airplane trip

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Today was the day, Eridan,Cronus,and you were going on a plane trip! You didn't know where to, but you were! You ran over to Cronus with a small (f/a) plushie in your mouth "time for lunch (f/n)!" Cro said as you ran to the kitchen. Cronus grabbed your grub sauce and poured some sleep medicine in, as he stirred it up. He walked to you and fed you. You started to feel sleepy, and soon enough you were out. Cronus put you inside a pet carrier with a blanket some food and water and your favorite plushie as they got in the car and headed to the airport

♥♠Time skiiiippp♠♥

You woke up in a dark space, you slid around in your carrier and you screed. You missed Cronus and Eridan, you were scared.. soon you saw a bright light and you were taken out of the dark space. Soon, you saw Cronus run up to you and take you out of the cage. He hugged you "I was worried sick!"

IM NOT A FISH Grub! Reader x The Amporas Where stories live. Discover now