Chapter 29

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So it's Monday, and I haven't talked to Marcel since the Valentine's Day party. I'm not going to panic, though, because I know I can bring the old Marcel back, the proof stands in what happened two nights ago. I'm so close, I know I can do it... But I'm not strong enough.

Alexa told me she'd help me through everything, and that she will be here for me to make up for all the lost time.

"I'm grateful, I really am Alexa, but what can I do when Marcel is set on destroying me?" I told her. I always get poetic when I'm sad. She smiled at me.

"He wants to destroy you so he can build you back up. So he makes sure you love him... or at least like him. Don't you see, Delilah? He wants you so much he fucking cried after you fucked. It's a silly game that maybe Zayn told him about, but listen to me when I say this boy, is fucking head over heels for you."

Alexa doesn't always speak wise words, but when she does, holy shit aren't they wise. So that gave me a little more strength. As we walk up to the high school entrance, Alexa punches me lightly.

"Smile, he loves your smile." she whispers. I look at her wide-eyed.

"He said that?!" She nods.

"Mhm, he told Zayn. Oh, by the way, I'm going to ask Zayn to make him say how he really feels about you. That will cause him to burst and he won't be able to keep his bad boy image."

"That would be perfect. Thank you."

"My pleasure."

 At lunch, I go to Matt's table to tell him I won't sit with them today, because I want to sit with Alexa... and Marcel, but I leave this part out. He looks a bit put off, but says it's okay. So I go sit with the popular kids again.

Marcel doesn't even acknowledge me and Alexa tries to distract me the best she can. It takes so much of my energy to laugh or smile, I wish I could just keep a straight face and not be so fake. I find none of Zayn’s anecdotes funny, none of Louis’ jokes entertaining… And still, I have to laugh along with everyone, because I mustn’t appear hurt to Marcel.

Eventually, I get up and move to Matt’s table without looking back, maybe they can distract me. I sit down and let my face fall.

“Are you ok?” Leeroy asks.

“No.” It’s a bit obvious though.

“Aw, Dee, is it dumbass Marcel again?” Lanna puts a hand around my shoulders. I nod, and she gives me a little squeeze.

“Do you want me to go get an extra dessert?” Cameron grins. He has this charm upon the cafeteria lady and that earns him extra meals.

“Please?” I pout, and he laughs and gets up. Matt hasn’t said anything but has been listening to us closely.

“Tell Delilah.” Matt says to Leeroy.

“Tell me what?” I frown; I hope it isn’t bad news.

“I’m going to be in a surf championship!” he shouts, not loud enough to cover the noise though.

“Ooh! How awesome!” I clap my hands, smiling forcefully again. I’m happy for him, I really am, but I can’t be as excited as he is.

Cameron brings me my dessert, and Lanna moves away to let me eat. A bit of chocolate and whipped cream can do wonders, I’m tellin’ ya.

Before I can call it a day, I have to sit in the same room as Marcel for an entire hour. I walk into the class and as soon as I do, Marcel gets up and walks towards me. My heart skips a beat at the proximity he stops at.

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