Chapter 40

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My head rests on Marcel's shoulder as Zayn drives over the speed limit. He and Alexa have been engaged in a conversation since we left - which is two hours ago - but they haven't thought of including Marcel and I in it. I swear to god, if they act like we're not here until we get to the lakes, I'm going to feel forced to have sex with Marcel in the backseat so we get noticed.

Marcel shifts and I groan, no longer having his shoulder supporting my head. He takes out his phone, a pair of headphones and a headphone splitter.

"Music." he simply explains. I bend down to get my own headphones from my bag.

"Why haven't we thought of that earlier?"

Marcel and I listen to the same music, how cute is that? I press a kiss to his cheek just for the heck of it and the music blasts through my headphones. Just as I start to relax and the lyrics of the song soak me with emotion (wow that was cheesy), a sudden jerk makes me fall over Marcel. I accidentally steady myself by pressing my hand on his crotch. He lets out a whimper and then starts coughing as if he just choked on his saliva at the same time that Alexa screams and Zayn smacks his hands against the wheel. Here we go. Spring break road trip, take one. Did I forget to mention, it's the classic desert around us.

I pull my headphones out of my ears and look apologetically at Marcel before turning to Zayn.

"What the fuck have you done?" I ask, noticing Alexa's look of horror.

"Well I... I think I hit a rabbit."

"Zayn, go check on it you idiot!" Alexa shouts and shakes his arm.

Marcel stops moaning and takes off his own headphones.

"Why have we stopped?" he says in a stranded voice. As Zayn gets out to see what it was that he hit, I turn my attention to Marcel.

"I'm so sorry, baby. Are you ok?" Marcel shrugs.

"I will be. Why have we stopped?" he repeats.

"Because we have an animal killer in the car." I look out the windshield to a distressed Zayn.

"What do you mean?"

"Zayn killed a rabbit."

Marcel rushes out of the car to check on the poor animal, so I follow him and so does Alexa. Zayn is standing there, a hand on his hip and another on at his nape. Alexa has her arms crossed, I'm just looking at Marcel because Marcel is prettier than a dead rabbit, and Marcel has both hands on his cheeks. You can pretty much imagine how embarrassing we look.

"What now?" Alexa asks the long-awaited questions.

"I have no idea. Aren't we supposed to call the Animal Cops or something?" Zayn questions and everyone (well, except me) turns to look at Marcel as if he is some kind of prophet that can answer any question.

"The Animal Cops don't exist, you freaking idiot! That's a T.V. show!" I yell. His IQ seems to lower with each second. No wonder he and Alexa are together.

"Oh." Alexa answers in his place. I smack my forehead.

"Wait! I'll just google it!" Zayn triumphantly announces. Right now, I could get down on my knees and bang my forehead on the road repeatedly, and it would hurt less than putting up with the dumbness of Alexa and Zayn.

"No need. I guess we just have to pull it off the road and call the police to come pick it up." Marcel calmly says.

"Ew! I am not touching that!" Alexa screams and returns to the car.

"No one even asked you to, dumbshit." I mutter and I can hear Marcel snicker. That makes me smile a bit.

"So... should we move it here?" Zayn asks and points to the side of the road.

Not What I Expected (A Marcel Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora