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***Hello readers! I hope everyone is doing alright! So, last chapter ended on such a cliff hanger :) I know evil, right? Its been a while since I updated- I apologize but finals are coming up! Please enjoy xoxo <3***

Em's point of view:

I pulled my cold body off the floor, but the pain in my head stopped me from standing.

It felt as though I had a dagger stabbed through my skull.

I reached my hand up and touched the burning wound on my head. Sure, enough I was bleeding, but at least there wasn't a literal dagger in my brain.

I slowly opened my eyes only to find myself in the dark.

I allowed my eyes to adjust to the lack of light.

The room was moist and I could smell the mold growing on the walls.

I shivered from the cold in the room.

All I could hear was the dripping of water.

Where was I? A cave?

No, I couldn't be in a cave. It would be too dark to find a way out.

Last thing I remembered I was going into Alucard's room? And then?

Then what?

What happened to me?

I was so confused- and I was lost.


I was lost in my mind, and now I was lost in my physical body.

I willed my shaking, cold, lifeless body to stand up. As I rose from the rocky floor I realized my left leg was chained to the floor. I wasn't free.

Someone was keeping me here- but who? The millions of questions rushed through my head. Would I die here alone?

I sat back down, I had no energy. When was the last time I ate? How long have I been here?

And that's when I heard it- the terrifying high pitched laugh.

HEEE HEEE HEEE hahahahahhaha HEEEEE HEEE ahahahaha

Adrenaline and fear coursed through my blood.

Alucard's point of view:

The smell of Em's blood filled my room.

Xavier looked at me- I could tell he too, was worried.

Where was my perfect flower? Who took my beautiful light- that filled the darkness?

"Em!" I screamed hoping she could hear me.

"Brother she's gone! But I swear we will kill whoever took her- we will find her." He said getting angry.

"How are we going to find her? They must have taken her an hour ago!" I yelled at him, I wasn't mad at him but I was scared.

I was so scared I was going to lose her.

"We will follow the trail of blood and then track the foot prints- whatever it takes Al. We will get her back." Xavier said walking out of the room, following the small drips of blood.

I followed him, but it seemed to simple. What criminal would leave blood behind for us to find?

Vampire could smell blood.

We could find her- if we could smell her.

Trail of blood.

Her blood.

Xavier and I wondered through the castle, the dark stone walls caved in on us, until we made it to the front door.

The blood stopped at the front door.

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