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The end of the world shocked everyone. It was not war that tore the earth apart, but rather the earth itself.

Ice began melting, flooding the oceans. Hurricanes and floods destroyed the coasts, then wiped them out. Entire countries were lost to the ocean. Earthquakes ripped the ground into pieces. Countries began to split in half, causing fights over who the land then belonged to.

That was only the beginning. After that, more and more followed. Sinkholes swallow up whole neighborhoods. Landslides sunk cities. Volcanoes melted homes, while blizzards froze them over.

Half the population was wiped out.

Within just three years of the disaster, a tower began to rise among the ashes of the United States. It was well over two hundred feet tall, with a deathly sharp point at its peak. They called it Raven Tower.

Inside the tower, a tyrant was formed. A bright young man began plotting a way to rebuild the society. He named himself The Raven. People flocked to the city to get a taste of their old lives. It became the home of millions of people, all willing to withstand his tyrannical rule.

Citizens of the new Aeon City were forced to comply if they wanted to stay. The Raven asked nothing more than to be in complete control. He promised true equality amongst citizens, in exchange for their total obedience. However, the moment he gained their trust, the poor and unintelligent were completely slaughtered.

To enforce his rules, The Raven hired creatures known as Scarecrows. They were people wearing hideous masks who never came close to questioning their leader.

Terrified of these rules, but in love with the peace of new society, a band of rebels formed. They deemed themselves Runaways. They took every chance to kill The Raven, and create a democracy within the city. To no avail were their efforts. Instead, The Raven became more stringent. If anyone spoke against him, they'd be warned, then publicly whipped, and finally disappear completely.

This day marks three years since the rise of Aeon City, and six years since the end of the world.

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