🍋Lemon Warning🍋

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Sans has usually let me sleep with him after I had a nightmare. I had them often and when it came to a night he refused, I would cry. I didn't know why he kept alone some nights. The next day he'd let me in like nothing happened. When I had a nightmare, he'd say:

"Don't worry, I'll scare dem devil's away."

Tonight was one of those nights. I didn't like it... he seemed to leave me in the dark... I walked to my room and hid in the corner. Why did he have to leave me in the dark?


I told her to go away...I don't like telling her that when she has a bad nightmare, she's my sister. I want to be there for her and Papyrus but in this heat... I can't. I risk too much...

Why don't you tell her? Why not t-SHUT UP! Shut up Lust!
Come on~! Think about it, her moaning under you~! Her, pleading to be touch~! Her, pleading you to c-NO STOP! She's...she's my sister... I can't...
Just because you won't, doesn't mean I won't. Don't you dare! Don't you dare touch her! But what other option do you have? The more you fight me, you lose more control. The more you fight your heat, you lose your self and I will be all that's left~! No... yes...now what will you decide? I-I can-huh?

I heard sobs from the wall... I listen closely. It was Y/n. She was crying...was her nightmare that bad? Huh?

"...maybe...if he-no. I'll just try-but then I'll have another nightmare!" She sounded like she was desperate. Come on Sans, I'm sure it won't harm her too much~.


I walk to my door and quietly open the door. I see her room and quietly open it. She didn't hear, she was too busy cryin. I can't believe I'm doing this... "...Sans?!"


I look and see Sans. What was going on? WAS I TOO LOUD?! "S-Sorry if I was too loud..." I apologize. He didn't leave. He then started mumbling and I could only make out "...I'm sorry, n/n." and "in heat." He was taking off his... wait...

"You...you...no!" He came closer. "Get away!!" I run to the left wall. He was following me. "Bro don't..." I make it for the door and see it's jammed with magic. "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" I felt my pink soul turn blue.
(You have fear as a soul trait, blame Glitchtale.)

I was lifted in the air and my heart started racing. N-no... "Sans! Stop!" I scream. I was dropped in my bed in front of Sans. My soul was still blue. Papyrus told me of a heat...he said it's hard to control, it hurt to endure, and there were ways to lessen the coming of it, which Sans never did...all those times I came to Sans and he said no...was he fighting it?

Oh gosh, even if that's the case why isn't he now?!

"I'm s-sorry, I can't stop...I'll be as gentle as I can..." he was panting. He held me down, releasing my soul. He ripped my hoodie off, wow looks like I'm going shopping later, and of course only my bra was left. I mean, the hoodie is plenty! He started kissing my collarbone up to my neck, nipping occasionally. I felt hot and overwhelmed. He was rubbing against me and I knew something down there was more than a skeleton's pelvis. I couldn't think straight and then I saw a blue glow, tentacles. They took ahold my wrists leaving Sans hands free. Sans unclips my bra and squeezes my breasts. "Mhhmmm..."
He looks up at me, I turn my head away. I can't believe I made such a lewd noise! Then I feel him lick my breasts. "Come on, sista, let me hea'ya moans." That statement alone made me feel a strange way down my private regions. Two more tentacles appeared, wrapping themselves around my breasts. They were squeezing them and Sans hand trailed down my sides.

He tugged my pj pants down and I started feeling dread in my stomach. He chuckled. "You're pretty wet down'ere sista." My whole face felt red when he said that. I don't know why, but I think that has something to do with earlier... he take my undies off and inserts a finger. I felt tears. "It-it hurts..." I slowly did felt pleasure and then I couldn't believe what I did "m-m-mor-more~ ha...huff..." Saying something so lewd... "then he pulled his fingers out and another tentacle came and entered me. It was painful and I didn't want it inside. Then...I felt pleasure. Sans kept touching me...I was afraid he'd make me suck on something when he stared at my mouth but instead he...

He kissed me.

It was loving and pure. I opened my mouth and he slid his blue tongue in. I...I've never kissed anyone before... he was slowly guiding me, it seemed. He felt the invasion clearly. Then when we separated I was coming.
"Ready?" He asks. I gave a shy nod. The tentacle left and my brother pulled down his sweats. I gulped. His dick was gosh darn blue! He aligns himself and enters me. I moan and he thrusts without hesitation. He hold me up, the tentacles completely disappearing. I wrap my arms around his neck. "S-Sans...nng...hah...uah..." I didn't care what lewd sounds escaped my lips now, he's heard me say them. He hits a place where my senses seem void and I exclaim "Harder! Please!" He took the invitation and went harder and faster. I could hear his moans too. "Y/n...say my name..."
"Yell it...hnng..."
I cum and I feel him still going. "Here it comes, y/n!" He tells me, he comes in me. I thought it was over now as we lie there.

That was until he kept going. How long had Sans kept himself from...this? How long has he held back? He flips us so I'm on tops and he holds my hands tightly, does he want me to...? I try to ...ride him? It felt so...
So good...

I wanted to be like this forever, no care in the world. Just pleasure... just me and Sans, my brother. I came again and he let's go and sits up. He grabs my hips and picks me up just to drop me back down. The mirror I had in front of my bed...I could see the entire scene. I looked so lewd and drunk...did this make me drunk? Then he came again into my private region. I could see his blue cub seeping out. Man...it was so warm...I dunno why but I made me happy.

He picked me up and sat me on my fours in front of the mirror. He entered again and I heard him say "sorry, monster mating is longer than a human's." I didn't care! That meant more for me...more time with my brother...more pleasure... I admit I was scared at first. Who wouldn't be? You're a virgin who doesn't know the first thing about this kind of thing and suddenly you're doing it. I guess mine got some edge cause it's my brother and I was caught off guard. The more I looked at myself the more I realized how innocent I've been. Yeah, I've seen death and blood but I've been innocent. So darn innocent to so much.

We came again and again in this position. That's when he got under me and started licking my region. "S-Sans..."  the pleasure was so satisfying. I came a few more times and then  he made me laid me back down.

He kissed me again and continued his thrusts. "Y-you know I'll protect you no matter what, right?" He asks me as he thrusts. "Y-Yeah-UGH...hnng."
He cums in me again as I cum with him. Once again he lays beside me. "Th-There." I smiled. I wrap my arms around Sans. No way was Frisk going to take me...not now anyway. Heh, my nightmare can't come true. "I love you, bro." I tell Sans. "I love ya too, n/n." He tells me. "Sans next time, don't spare me." He chuckles. "I won't, let's go to sleep now." He kissed my forehead and I cuddle into him.

I'll be lucky if I don't get pregnant...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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