You're Already Here

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Oh yes! I'm back!

Hope you guys like this, but be warned, it's a slight bout of hurt/comfort so hang on



Kate had returned from the hospital in two weeks time. Her physical therapy started on Monday, she had to pass her psych eval. before she could return to work, she still had to do a month of desk duty, but for the weekend, none of that mattered. For these three days, she could pretend nothing else existed except her, Castle, and their love.

She was finally getting out today and they had planned to spend some time together, alone, at her father's cabin. After this weekend, he would visit her when he could and she would stay there the entire summer. Just a little time to like her wounds and she'd be back to normal. Well, as normal as you could get with memory loss.

Kate then felt the familiar clenching of her heart again. Ever since she'd found out about her memory loss, being around Castle was bitter sweet. She loved him. She was so hopelessly in love with him that she was sure it'd be visible from space, but she couldn't help but wonder. What if he was right? What if this new sense of boldness and openness only applied to her current situation? What if with the return of her memory came her fear of something more with the love of her life? She doesn't know what would happen if she were to go back to where they were. She couldn't, there was no way she could go back. Not after feeling his lips against hers. Not after the soft caresses he pleasured her with day after day. Not after hearing those three words she had pined over hearing him say for far too long.

"Hey." She startled and turned around, still a bit paranoid, only to find familiar blue eyes staring back at her.

"Sorry, I din't mean to startle you." He smiled shyly.

"It's fine. I was just thinking." He stared at her openly for a few moments before handing her keys.

"Your dad said he had to go handle some business downtown, but to tell you he loves you and he'll be by to visit you Monday."

"Thanks." She said accepting the keys. His hand tingled at the contact of their hands touching and, simply by instinct, he pulled his hand away. She laughed and rolled her eyes at him before firmly lacing their hands and kissing him soundly and thoroughly.

When they broke apart, he chuckled breathlessly. "I forgot I could do that."

"Yeah, you can do that, and this," she kissed him more passionately "and this," she kissed and suckled behind his ear "and even this." She finished by worshiping his pulse point and had him quivering before she even pulled back.

"Um, Kate, as your totally and hopelessly devoted boyfriend, I am warning you. It would be wise to stop because I really don't want our first time to be rapid, painful, and in a hospital bed."

She laughed heartily. "Alright, alright. Let's go."

Within a two hour span, they had her checked out of the hospital, their bags packed, their goodbyes said and were now on the road to upstate New York. Kate had no arguments about Rick's wanting to drive and gladly took passenger (and his hand) all the way to the cabin. The warm feel of his hand in hers combined with the pain killers and the hum of the engine soon put her to sleep. She slept for half the ride to the cabin and at every red light or open road, Rick would take the chance to ogle at Kate.

Part of him just loved how peaceful she looked. Even after the ordeal she'd just been through, the slight sleepy smile on her face made his heart do somersaults. He could only wish to see her like this for the rest of their lives. The other part of him had to make sure this was real. He had to make sure this wasn't some sleep deprived premonition that would go away at any moment. But she stayed there, her tiny fingers enveloped in his for the entire ride and he wouldn't have it any other way.

They arrived at around five and Rick sat starring at her sleeping form for a few private moments. Once the car clock ticked on 5:27, Rick decided he had to get some food into both of them. He had an idea and reached over to her. Once he was close enough, he captured her lips in his until he felt her respond.

"Hmm, I'll never get tired of waking up that way."

He smiled lovingly at her. "I sure hope so, but we should probably unpack the car and get inside so I can get some food into you." He gently tickled her unharmed side and she giggled before kissing him again and hopping out of the car.

Once their clothes were unpacked and they had consumed dinner, they stood with Kate's back to Rick's front and watched the sunset from the large window in the family room. They stand silently just marveling at the orange and red tinted sky.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" She asks.

"Yeah, beautiful." She smiles and then turns to see his intense stare set on her. Oh when he said beautiful he meant- oh. Her belly was suddenly consumed with heat and she found herself gasping for air as he begun his assault on her neck.

"Castle..." she breathed.

He reluctantly rips away from her and, despite his now navy blues, backs a safe distance away from her. "I'm sorry, I- God, I didn't mean to-"

"No. No no no no no." She smashed her lips to his. She had to get him to understand that she was in this. She really was. "Rick," the use of his first name caught his attention "I want this, you. I want you."

That's all the coaxing he needed. He grabbed her under her thighs and carried her to the bedroom. He kicked the door closed and proceeded to place her on the bed. She leaned up on her elbows and admired him as he removed his shirt. She stroked his chest down until she reached his belt buckle. After having rid him of his pants, their main focus was getting her equally undressed. Both down to underwear and full of lust, Rick pounced. They were fully wrapped into each other, but Castle couldn't shake the guilty feeling in his gut.

"Kate," he said breaking from her "if we do this, there's no way I'm ever letting go."

She stroked his cheek affectionately and leaned up to whisper in his ear. "Prove it."

After genuinely proving his commitment to her - twice - they had both drifted off into a deep slumber. Kate draped herself across his chest and his fingers were still in her hair from when he'd massaged her scalp, lulling her to sleep.

Rick awoke to a cold bed and immediately groaned for the need of her warmth. His only intention was to drag her back to bed and tire her out to ensure she'd stay in bed this time. That was his plan before he turned his head and caught a sight of his strong and determined detective sitting huddled in a corner of the room, murmuring something.

Rick bounded out of bed. "Kate? Honey, what's wrong." On his way to reaching her, he almost stepped in a glass she must have dropped. She sat with her ears covered by hands and he realized what must have happened.

"It"s alright, okay? Kate it's me. It's Rick, that's right come here. Your alright, your in your dad's cabin with me. We're okay." With each of his words, she'd scooted towards him. She finally got close enough to throw herself into him. "It's alright," he whispered as she sobbed into his chest "I'm right here. I'm with you okay, I'll always be with you. Always."

He spent the rest of the night holding her while she slept. He had forgotten about the trauma that came with being shot. He would definitely have to be more careful with her. This weekend was now a bit less care free than it had begun.


I'm sorry, but I mean, it couldn't ALL be peaches and cream could it?

The next chapter will be fluffier though... maybe. *laughs evilly*

Love Always, XOXOX

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