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Merlins pov

Once we arrived at his house, which looked like a castle because it was giant, he took me to his room.

"So merlin you hungry"

"No I'm okay" I lied and as soon as I said that my stomach growled

"No need to lie, I'm going to get us some snacks"

He went out of the room and I looked around. There were many shelves with trophies in them a king bed a giant tv with a lot of game consoles under and some other furniture. I noticed the desk had a chair in it so I sat down and quickly took my books out. About five minutes later Arthur came back with some snacks two water bottles and a chair.

"Here catch" he said and threw a water bottle at me.

I failed miserably at catching it and had to get up to get it.

"Wow you're a really bad catcher" he said and put the seat on the desk next to mine

"Well maybe if your best friend didn't beat me up so badly for being gay every day I would have the strength to be a better catcher" I said in an annoyed voice

"I'm sorry about that" he said with a guilty expression and sat down on the chair

"Don't worry about it's not your fault anyway" I say while hugging his jacket closer to my body even though it wasn't really cold in here, it was actually kind of warm but I liked the comfort his jacket gave me.

"so what do you not understand" I asked him while looking at the book

"'Everything" he said in a Shy voice.

Wait, what?!?!! did I just witness Arthur pendragon the school's football captain act shy? Oh god, what's next is it going to rain bunnies. I looked out the window and saw a bunch of bunnies falling from the sky, just kidding. Anyways back to working since Arthur doesn't understand anything I'm going to have to start teaching him from the very beginning and it's going to take a lot of time.

After about two hours of studying my stomach grumbled and I blushed harshly. Arthur looked at me and chuckled.

"come on let's go downstairs I'm pretty sure that dinners ready by now" he said while standing up

I followed him downstairs towards his kitchen where there were various servants making food.

"excuse me is the food ready?" Arthur asked one of the servants

"yes please sit down, but one question, is the guest allergic to anything?" he said while motioning towards me

"Are you allergic to anything?" Arthur asked me

"No" I answered

"Okay let's go sit down"

I followed Arthur towards a big table that easily fit about twelve people he sat in a chair and motioned for me to sit next to him. As I sat down a bunch of servants started serving the food they brought rice with beans and chicken then they said they will bring dessert as soon as we finished our food.

We ate quietly and then the servants brought dessert which was a pie with chocolate strawberries. My mouth watered just by looking at it and I couldn't take my eyes off it.

"You like the dessert I see" Arthur said

"y-yes" I stuttered out while looking at the majestic food in front of me

"well dig in" he said

"you don't want any?" I asked

"Nah I'm full" he said and I dug into the food

As soon as I finished the dessert we headed back to his room to study some more.

***2 hours later***

"you do these exercises while I do my math homework" I said to Arthur handing him a worksheet

"okay" he said and took the worksheet from me

Not even five minutes later he started humming, at first I tried to just ignore it but it was just annoying me too much.

"Arthur could you please stop humming" I said sternly

"okay" he replied and stopped humming

Two minutes later he started tapping his foot loudly and again it annoyed me.

"Arthur please stop tapping your foot I'm trying to concentrate" I said in an annoyed tone

"okay" he replied and stopped tapping his foot

Three minutes later he started whistling and this caused me to get outraged

"Arthur you insolent piece of sh*t I'm trying to concentrate and you keep annoying me first you start humming then you start tapping your foot and now you're whistling for f*cks sake I'm trying to work!!!" I scream at him

"okay sorry jesus merlin don't get your knickers in a twist"

"ugh I f*cking hate you so much" I tell him

"the feeling is mutual" he replies

"I think that is enough studying for one day I'm going home" I say while picking up my things and taking off his jacket

"Wait Merlin you really think I'm going to let you walk home in the dark and in the cold?" he says in an unbelieving tone

"yes" I reply

"No I'm driving you home" He says firmly

"whatever" I reply and follow him to his car

"where do you live?" he asks once we get in the car

"(insert address here)"

"okay buckle your seatbelt" he says and starts driving

"okay were here have a good night merls" he says once we arrive at my house

"goodnight Arthur thanks for the ride" I said and he drove home

I entered my house and saw my  mum doing some work on her computer

"hey mum I'm back"

"hey, sweetie I'm just doing some work have you eaten anything?"

"Yes I ate at my friend's house"

"okay goodnight sweetie"

I went up to my room changed into my pj's and got comfy for bed. Just as I was about to sleep I received a text message from Arthur 'Hey merlin I'm sorry for annoying you goodnight'. I quickly replied 'It's okay I did over react a bit goodnight to you too' and after sending that I went to sleep.

Writers note:

So hey guys how do you think it's going so far?  I was going to make this chapter and the last chapter into one long gigantic chapter but decided otherwise so I could update earlier. I am going to update one chapter every day and if I can two and I'm going to try and make this fanfic pretty long. Please tell me if you like it or not and tell me if you have any ideas on how to make it better love you guys and hope you are having a good day.

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