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Dream POV:

You're running as fast as you can. Your lungs burn as you quickly breath in and out freezing cold air. Your legs are screaming in pain. How long have you been running? You have no clue. You keep hearing static in your ears, and it continues to grow louder. You try to run faster but your legs give out, falling to the ground the static growls louder then ever. You hold your head in pain, you want to scream. You open your mouth but nothing comes out. You roll around in writhing pain. The static was unbearable, then in the back of your head you could hear something under the static. It was a voice.

"You're mine" It repeated over and over.

The voice was only a whisper, but slowly it began to increase into a scream. Your head felt like it was going to explode. You arch your back in agony. It felt like jolts of electricity were coursing through your body. You keep trying to scream, but no sound forms. You want it all to stop. Stop. STOP.

Your POV:

You jolt up into a sitting position and your eyes dart open. Your entire body was sweating. You had a horrible migraine. All you could do was stare
into your covers. You were speechless, you almost never get nightmares. Not to mention they're never as bad as that one. You look over to your left at your two best friends. They were dead asleep. You had gotten to PAX late last night after a 7 hour drive. You and your friends passed out as soon as you got to the room.

"Heavy sleepers" You mumble to yourself.

You sit in bed for a few minutes until you find the energy to move. Swinging your legs over the side of the bed, you stand up. Rubbing your temples, you try to soothe your piercing migraine.

Walking into the bathroom your grab a drink of water from the faucet. Holding yourself up by leaning your hands on the counter, you look into the mirror. You were a mess. Your eyes were dull, and you had horribly obvious dark circles under your eyes. It looked like you hadn't slept in weeks.

You reach into the shower and turn the knob. Maybe a hot shower would help your headache. You undress, slide the shower curtains open, and step in. You didn't turn the fan on, letting the small bathroom fill with thick steam. The hot water felt nice on your skin. You stood there for awhile, just letting the water fall over you.

You start to think about your nightmare. Shuddering, you focus on the voice in your dream. It was definitely a mans voice. But who was it... It sounded very familiar. You start to get lost in thought, trying to pinpoint the voice you heard in your dream.

You jump as you hear your friend Sophie knock on the door. "Come on! We all need to shower too~" She sounded excited and bouncy.

"Just a minute!" You answer back. You finish up your shower and turn off the water. Grabbing a towel from the rack you cover yourself up and look in the mirror. It had completely fogged over. You wipe the mirror to see your face. "What the?" You lean in closer and blink hard. For a second there it looked like your eyes were completely black. It must have been your nightmare getting to you. That and lack of sleep. You did do most of the driving.

After you and your friends get ready you all head down to the convention. Forgetting all about your nightmare, you're filled with excitement. This was your first year at PAX and you were stoaked. You were giddy as you thought about possibly meeting your favorite youtubers, Markiplier, CrankGamePlays, and Jacksepticeye. Your friend Drew nudged you, snapping you out of your daydream. "Soooo, you gonna try to see Jack today?" He wiggles his eyebrows to mock you. You talked to drew a lot about Jack, drew liked to poke fun at your little "crush" as he liked to call it. You always contest him, explaining that you really just look up to Jack.
Drew chuckled as he pointed further down the hall. "Well here's your chance (Y/N)"

You whip your head around to see Jack walking down the hall, making his way through a large crowd of people following him. You got nervous and froze. You watch as he passes by. For a second Jack had made eye contact with you. Something felt... off? Jack continued to make his way past you and down the hallway. Drew puts his hand on your shoulder. "Dude, what's up?" He shakes you a little bit. You stop starring off into nothing to look at your friend.

"Oops, um. Ah i must have gotten nervous i guess." You chuckle and rub the back of your neck.

"Don't worry i totally feel you" Sophie chimed in. She giggled. "I think i saw him look at you~"

"Yeah?" You lie. You try to change the topic. Something felt off. But again, it could have just been that nasty nightmare. You try to shake it off. It would suck if something like that ruined your time.

You and your friends decide to split up half way through the day. You all had different reasons for coming, might as well see as much as you all could. You start to wander around. There was a lot you wanted to do but you couldn't think of anything to start with. You sit down next to a curtain separating the large room you were in. You start to check your phone, completely tuning out everything around you. The lights flicker a little. You were so focused on your phone that you didn't notice, not until you heard a loud thud behind you. Behind the curtain.

You jump slightly as you look behind you. There was a small opening in the curtain. You froze for a moment, trying to decide if you wanted to see what the noise was. After awhile your curiosity got the better of you. You quickly crawl into the opening. After your in you stand up and look around. It was pitch black. You grab your phone and switch on the flashlight.

It looked like you stumbled into a storage area. There were boxes everywhere, layered with dust. Realizing you probably shouldn't be back here you start to turn around to leave.

You hear a voice behind you. "Hello~" You know that voice... Its the same one from your dream... It's... You whip around fast, shining your light on the main behind you. It was...Jack? No.. It couldn't be...

"What the fuck" You whisper to yourself. He chuckled at your reaction. He couldn't be jack, he didn't look...right.

"Your right lass, call me Anti." You take a step back. That can't be possible, Anti isn't real, he's just made up... Or at least you thought. And... wait did he just read your mind? 

Anti took a step towards you, leaning in close. He whispered into your ear. "No thoughts are safe from me." Chills go down your spine as he whispers to you. You were frozen in terror. You wanted to run, you wanted to scream, but you couldn't. You're stuck, paralyzed in fear.

"Aww, you're cute when your scared." Anti backed away, placing his hand on your cheek. "You're mine now (Y/N)" Your eyes widened, you could feel your heart pounding in your chest. And that's when you heard it... the static, it came back. Jack moved his hand to your eyes, gently placing his fingertips over your eyelids. "Sleep." He whispered.

After that, everything was black. Filled with static.

We're all mad here... ( Antisepticeye x Reader )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora