A Friendship

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"Nobody's gonna hold your hand,
And guide you through.
No, it's up for you to understand."
                          ~ Scene Two - Roger Rabbit
                            Sleeping with Sirens

The piqued interest surrounding the entry of the leggy brunette and the tall ginger was apparent. The pointed looks and rushed whispers as they walked back to their table together unsettled her.

She noticed that Neville had wandered off by now. Probably to sneak a few kisses from his Luna.

All her friends were in happy relationships. It thrilled her, but also made her sick to her stomach.

Hermione fiddled with the bracelets stacked on her wrists, entertaining herself with the jingles and jangles.

A sigh escaped her lips as she realized how bored she was. Guilt racked her, because she knew she was being unsocialable. At the wedding of her best friends, for that matter.

What were you supposed to do at these functions anyways? Wait anxiously for the cake to be cut?

Humming to herself, she tapped the table with her fingers in a rhythm.

"Don't have too much fun over there," George teased from down the table.

The sharp, shocked attention from the rest of the Weasley siblings was apparent. She was confused at the reaction. The nerves started up again and she felt the familiar twitch of her hand.

Throwing him a small smile, she turned her body away from him. The attention of interacting with him wasn't worth the amusement.

Her heart jumped when he leaned down in front of her minutes later. "Care to dance?" He offered a hand.

The hand was a symbol of friendship. A chance to pretend for a moment that the two of them didn't have crappy pasts and harsh realities.

That George and her weren't alone.

Forcing herself, she shook her head no. "I've already had a taste of the Weasley boys," she drawled. "I wasn't much of a fan."

A background of quiet chuckles alerted her that the table was listening in. She squirmed in her seat.

George's eyes glinted. A glint she was finding out she should avoid. "That's your problem," he flirted, snatching up her hand and giving it a soft kiss. "You had a Weasley boy. You didn't have a Weasley man."

By this time, his parents had turned to gawk and listen to the sight before them. It was unusual in the last two years to see him so lively.

His forward manner and a nerve inducing captivated audience allowed her brain to short circuit for a moment. He noticed and seized the chance to tug her up and towards him, leading her to the dance floor.

"I don't dance," she softly mentioned. He shrugged. He pulled her close, drawing her near for a slow dance position. "You're in luck, because I don't either," he peered down at her anxious face. "I don't bite, either."

His comment drew a smile from her and he grinned wickedly. He leaned in closer, his lips barely touching her left ear. "Unless you're into that," he offered suggestively.

She blushed again and started to feel self-conscious when he let out a loud laugh.

Ginny caught her eye, sending Hermione a knowing grin. Harry followed his bride's attention and laughed aloud with pleasant surprise at the two of them.

Hermione had been avoiding George's eyes, but eventually bent her head backwards to meet them. "Everyone is looking at us like we've grown an extra head," she pointed out.

George scanned the room and found she was correct. "Probably mostly my fault," he remarked, his mood dipping. "I haven't felt this carefree since Fred..." he trailed off.

Hermione didn't press the matter. She simply nodded and swayed on the dance floor in rhythm with him.

His sight caught on her smooth scarring on her arm. He moved a hand from her waist and gently traced the offensive letters.

He opened his mouth and closed it again. "It's sort of beautiful in a way," he commented awkwardly.

She snorted. Her wound was far from attractive. "Lying doesn't work well for you."

He shook his head vehemently. "I'm not lying," he insisted. "It's a sign of how much you survived."

His insistence startled her. She had never thought of it that way. It had always been a glaring reminder of her struggles. Maybe he was right.

"Why are you taking such an interest in me now?" Hermione probed. It had been bothering her all night.

Her question caused his eyes to wide and his mouth to set in a thin straight line. He stopped swaying.

Surrounded by all the moving couples, she watched in bewilderment as he bowed stiffly and stomped off the floor into the dark shadows of the night.

Hermione had stood by herself in the dance floor for what seemed like ages. She was caught up staring at the shadows where George had stormed off.

The gentle hands of Neville grasped her waist and he swayed with her. His presence soothed her and soon she pushed the weird encounter out of her mind.

Thanking Neville, she thought back to what a lovely friend he had always been.

"Luna and I have missed you," he told her. There was no hurt in his voice, just a vague understanding. "I would have tried to track you down, but Luna insisted you only needed some space to figure things out."

"The blibbering humdingers sending her some signs again?" Hermione asked not unkindly.

Neville nodded his head. "They're usually spot on."

Hermione laughed, but only because the statement was true. Whatever those creatures were, however Luna saw them, they always gave her correct hints and tips.

When Neville eventually lead her back to their table, Charlie was the only one there.

He nodded at their arrival before sliding over to the seat next to her. Neville rose a questioning brow, but left when Hermione waved him towards Luna.

"George hasn't been that entertained since Fred," Charlie stated. She enjoyed his cut to the chase style. Much like his brother's flirting technique she had recently discovered.

Hermione met his eyes, noticing the unspoken questions. She shot him a smirk.

"We haven't been sneaking around," she laughed. "This is the first time we've seen each other in years."

Charlie's gaze twinkled. "I didn't say you were," he replied. "I was only commenting on how great you two were getting along."

He left shortly after, leaving her to mull over the spark between her and George.

A Wisp of Love and Laughter (Hermione/George)Where stories live. Discover now