A Beginning

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"It's time that we sorted out,
All of the things, we complain about;
So listen close to the sound of your soul."
                            ~ Scene Two - Roger Rabbit
                               Sleeping with Sirens

Days had passed and turned into weeks.

Life had gone back into the routine it was before. Work, home, sleep.

Hermione had found the regret didn't go away. Although the time spent with George was very limited, she craved seeing him again.

She was just afraid.

The only good thing to come out of her revisiting the wizarding world was reconnecting to her friends.

Ginny, Harry, Neville, and Luna had all exchanged owls back and forth with her like they previously had. She had even accepted an invitation to spend a day with the four of them.

Smoothing her maxi dress down, she enjoyed a smoke before walking into Harry and Ginny's flat. It was a breezy summer day and she enjoyed the warm smell in the air when the cigarette smell wafted a certain way.

Knocking on the door, she put out her smoke. Ginny invited her in with a kiss, leading her to the front room. She waved hello to Harry, Neville, and Luna, but stopped short when she caught sight of the redhead in the loveseat.

"George," she managed to choke out, noticing his own surprise. Eventually he nodded, his eyes flicking over her body. She felt self-conscious.

Whirling around, she faced the four of her friends lining up to leave. "What are you-?" She began to ask.

Luna held up a hand. "We love you, Hermione," her voice sang. "You can't be mad at us."

Hermione was too confused to reply coherently.

"I- what?"

Ginny came over and hugged her. "Sorry, Nee, but we've gone and set you up. George has been a downright grump since you left. And your parents told us you've been in a stink, too."

"Ginny-" Hermione began to scold her.

Ginny placed a finger on her lips to shush her. "You two can thank us later."

The four of them rushed out before George or Hermione could make another protest.

With a red face, Hermione turned back to George. She felt the familiar itch for another cigarette and figured the leftover smell of her smoking was the price they'd have to pay for tricking her.

Pulling it out and lighting it, she sat down across the tall man. He watched, his expression unreadable, as she puffed on her smoke crazily.

"What are you doing?" He inquired.

Her raised brows and scrunched face gave away that she thought he'd gone crazy himself. "Having a smoke," she explained slowly.

He shook his head and reached over. Ripping the cigarette from her hands, she yelled at him as he put it out. "Listen to me for a second and don't lean on a smoke to do it."

She glared at him. She wouldn't have another Weasley tell her how to live. "Please," he tacked on.

Crossing her arms, she nodded. "Fine."

He watched her closely for a moment. Running his fingers through his messy hair, he sighed. "This isn't... easy for me to admit. But I've missed you," he held her gaze with pleading eyes. "That night was one of the best nights I've had in a while, even though you drove me half crazy at the same time."

"George..." She trailed off as he held up a hand for some more time.

He brushed his hand against her cheek quickly. "I know my brother didn't treat you right. If you are scared of trying for fear of me treating you the same, I can promise you I never would. If I've misread this all and you don't want to try a relationship, I can live with that. Would you at least think of trying a friendship?"

Hermione's mind raced in a million different directions.




"I'm afraid of hurting you," she admitted, biting her lip.

His eyes dulled at her admission. "Just say you want to be friends. I can handle that."

"What? No!" She exclaimed hurriedly. The surprise on his face turned her cheeks red. "I mean, I like you," she mumbled out. "I just don't want to hurt you more than you've been hurt."

George rolled his eyes, scooting closer to her. "I'm not thick, I understand this could end badly. The chance for it to work out is worth the risk to me."

"But Bill said-"

"Bill? Now it makes sense!" George laughed to her confusement. "He talked to you?"

"That morning."

George rolled his eyes. "Whatever he said, he's wrong."

Hermione fiddled with bracelets. "I don't know-"

George gently grabbed her face and turned it to his. "Whatever he said, he was wrong," he repeated. "I want to be with you Hermione. You make me laugh and feel alive again."

She studied the pretty dark brown eyes glancing down at her with hope and sweetness. He had stuck his neck out, hoping she would feel the same. A warmness sprouted inside of her and heated up her heart.

Leaning forward, she closed the gap between them with a gentle kiss.

As they pulled back, Hermione smiled at the dazed look on George's face. "I will take that as a yes," he mumbled happily.

Grinning back, she felt deep in her heart that she had made the right decision.

Together they could heal their past hurt with wisps of love and laughter.

George leaned in once more and Hermione felt her heart beat fast in anticipation of stealing another kiss.

Pulling back ever so slightly, he shot her an ornery grin. "You taste like a moldly smoke," he informed her.

Throwing her head back in laughter, she promised him she would quit.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I'd kiss you even if you always tasted like spoiled nicotine."

She smiled, a bright and happy smile that only George seemed to draw out of her, before having her lips captured by his once again.

A Wisp of Love and Laughter (Hermione/George)Where stories live. Discover now