Gabe's POV 1

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I sighed as Windclaw ran off, he always seemed to be doing that. I quickly followed him.

"kiddo?" I asked. Outside it was snowing again, Windclaw was sitting with his knees pulled to his chest near a tree. His jacket was laying on the ground nearby and he was only in his t-shirt and jeans. Something seemed off about him but I couldn't put my finger on it. I looked at him worried before walking up to him.

"hey. Kiddo are you ok? Aren't ya cold?" I asked him. He looked up at me and tilted his head. His eyes were a brilliant gold color, almost more gold than mine. I could see-wolf ears?? on his head. Windclaw, or whoever it was backed up some away from me. I tilted my head in confusion.

"what In The.... Kiddo what's up with your ears?" I asked him. before Windclaw could say anything a pile of snow fell on him. However, instead of Windclaw popping up a wolf head popped out of the snow, which was quiet a surprise. I yelled in surprised and tripped, falling on my bottom.

"Stupid tree's." I cursed to myself. Aaka appeared and sniffed the wolf.

"Pretty pup." Lucifer commented, appearing. the wolf growled at Aaka and backed up some. It had the same gold eyes Windy had had before. Aaka growled back, raising his head to show he was in charge.

"lets hope they don't fight windy won't make it" Lucifer whispered to me.

"Yeah..." I said back, watching in curiosity and amazement at the two animals in front of us. Wiindclaw growled back at Aaka , but instead of standing and making himself bigger he bowed on his front paws. His tail wagging and he barked at Aaka seemingly playfully. Aaka rolled his eyes and looked at the wolf.

"Your supposed to play Aaka!" Lucifer said to his hell hound. Windclaw yipped.

"Play! Windie wanna play!" He said. His voice was like Windclaw's usual, but a bit higher-like a teenager or a kids voice. Aaka smiled and somehow changed into a regular wolf just a bit bigger with horns and strange blue jagged face like marking on his chest. His black fur turned to red with grey underside and legs he wagged his tail and growled playfully. I smiled as the two wolves started to play. Then Windie barked and darted over to me, laying down behind me. Then Aaka barked and went and hid behind Lucifer.

"are you seriously doing this whole tag team thing from wwe boys?" Lucifer asked. Aaka simply nodded.

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