Chapter 6

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"So, how old are you." Sam asks. We've been sitting in silence for awhile now.

"Fifteen," I say. "you?" He looked like he was at least sixteen. At LEAST.

"Seventeen." He says.


And we're back to silence. I look over at Brittan. She's talking her mouth away with her partner. I think his name is Danny. I wish I was Danny right now. It would be better than sitting here in awkward silence.

"You like her?" Sam asks making me jump. I look at him. I like her, but not like that! Do I? He smirks.

"Shut up." I say, and he laughs. His laugh higher then you would imagine. I start laughing too.

"So," I say. "See anyone you like in here." I want to get back at him. His face goes red. I watch as his eyes shoot to a tall boy with blonde hair sitting uncomfortably with the black haired girl. I lean up against him and raise my eyebrows.

"You like him." I say in a singsong voice, making his face go red.

"Shut up." He says pushing me off. I laugh. "I came here to get straight, not check out boys." He says looking down.

"Why do you want to be straight?" I ask. I don't want to be straight. I need to be straight so I have a home to go to. He looks up at me with sad eyes.

"What college wants a gay quarter back?" He asks. "What dad wants a gay son?" He sounds so hurt. I hug him. I know I've probably said this a lot, but, why can't parents just love their children for who they are? Don't they see what they're doing to them? How hurt they are?

"Lunch time!" Brother Shawn yelled. I stop hugging Sam, and we walk out of the building. I look around for Brittan, but no luck. I'll find her at the dinning hall.

"Spencer!" I look back to see Brittana running to me, Danny following behind. She pushes Danny behind her, and scoots in between me and Sam. I look down and smile.

"Hey Brittan." I say. "How are you and Danny doing?" She starts to laugh. I'm confused.

"His name is Daniel!" She says. I just shrug, his name doesn't matter to me. "We're doing fine, how about you and Sam?"

"We're doing fine too." I say looking back at Sam who is talking to Daniel.

Brittan links her arm into my arm. I get nervous all of a sudden. Why am I nervous?

We finally reach the dinner hall. I'm not sure how we got there, but we did. The building looked like every other building, so I'm not sure how the people here know which identical brick building to go into.

The inside has four long tables. Maybe I can pretend this is Hogwarts. No, I can't associate this place for Hogwarts. Daniel, Sam, Brittan, and I sit down at the closest table. Sam and Daniel sit across from Brittan and I.

"Brittan meet Sam, Sam meet Brittan." I say. They laugh, and say hi to each other. I wave at Daniel, but he's to busy gazing at Sam to notice.

The camp helpers started passing out plates with sandwiches on them. They try to avoid touching any of the kids, I'm guessing they might think they will "catch the gay". I laugh at the thought.

"When did you guys notice you were...y'" Daniel asks. I've already accepted that I was gay, and I was fine with it, so the question didn't phase me, but the question did phase Brittan, and Sam. I felt Brittan tense up next to me. I look over and see she's looking down. I can't see her face. I look over to Sam who is picking at his food, tears threatening to spill over his eyes. "Uhh, bad question." Daniel murmured.

Hope For a Straighter Future (girlxgirl)(lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now