Chapter 12

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"So, whats your story?" I ask Brittan. We just got back from lunch, and we're sitting on the couch infront of the TV.

"What do you mean?" She asks while eating a spoonful of yogurt.

"Why did your parents send you here?" I ask, stealing her yogurt and taking a bite. She looks away, her face growing beet red.

"I-I don't really want to talk about it." She says, scooting away from me. I didn't want to end the conversation so soon. I want to get to know more about her.

"How about I tell you my story, then you tell me yours." I suggested. She looks at me for a second. I can see tears threatening to spill down her cheeks.

"...ok." She says. "Only if you promise to tell the truth. If you tell the truth, then so will I." I nod in agreement. It sounds like a fair deal.

"It started when I was fourteen." I start, preaparing myself for emotional torture. "I figured out I was...y'" I shift uncomfortably. Im not used to saying that out loud. "I had my suspicions when I was eight, but I didn't actually figure it out till I was fourteen." I laugh nervously.

"Your stalling." She says with a little smile. "Its ok, I won't judge you."

That did it. I broke down crying. Without hesitation, she envelops me in a hug.

"Its ok, Spencer." She says soothingly, and pats me on the back. "We don't have to talk about this today."

"No," I say, sitting up and wiping my tears. "I wan't, no, I need to talk about this now." That was the truth. I needed to let it all out.

"Are you sure?" She asks. I nod.

"I-I got a crush on my b-best friend. I'd rather not s-say her name." I say. Brittan nods understandably. I continue. "She was wonderful, n-nice, and," I look away. "kinda cute." Heat builds up in my face. "My crush on her was big.

One day, I had a sleepover. It was great...until we played truth or dare. They asked the most cliché question when I was stupid enough to pick truth. The question was the dreaded 'who do you like?' Question." I let out a shaky laugh. "I thought I was safe when my m-mom called us down for pizza. I stayed behind to calm down, but my c-crush decided to too." I took a breath, preparing myself for this next part. "She kissed me...and...and my m-mom walked in the-the room. My crush, rudely, pushed me off of h-her, a-and framed me saying I c-came onto her, or something. H-her and my m-mom decided to make my life a living hell." My tears were streaming down my face like waterfalls. "Then she sent me here, and I met you." I smile a little at the last part. Brittan pulls me in for another hug.

After a while, I sit back up.

"Well, I spilled my guts. Your turn." I say. Somewhere through my story Brittan took the yogurt back, so I steal it again. It felt nice to tell someone everything that happened. It lifted a weight off my shoulders.

"Hasn't there been enough crying today?" She asks, trying to put off telling her story.

"Oh no." I say. "We made a deal. I told my story, now its your turn." I hate it when Brittan cries, but after saying all that stuff, I feel so good, and I want her to feel that too. Plus, we made a deal.

"There was that girl in third grade, but that was nothing." She starts off easily. "A few months before I came here, there was this...this girl. She cheered with me, and I had these...these feelings. Strange feelings I've never had before. She was pretty, everybody knew that. Sometimes I'd find myself staring at her lips." A light blush apeared on her cheeks. "No, not sometimes. I'd stare at them every time I had the chance. I wanted them. I craved them." She laughed nervously. "Thank God she never noticed. Wondering what these feelings were, I asked the people closest to me: my parents." She smiles. "I told them. They called me a disgrace and decided to tell all the other cheerleaders moms, so their kids wouldn't catch the illness, or something. I got kicked off the team a week before our big competition. I didn't tell my parents who I felt these things for, so Maggie, that was her name, never found out it was her. My parents sent me here a day early, and before they slammed the door of their car, they yelled: 'Your not gay! Those feelings meant nothing! Once you're here for a summer you will notice boys are what you desire!' Then they drove away."

She took a deep breath. "I'm not gay." Tears started streaming down her face. "I'm not gay. I'm not g-gay. I'm no-" She fell into my arms, and burries her face in my shirt. Tears soak my shirt, her muffled voice saying "I'm not gay."

After a while she pulls her head up. Tears still soaked her eyes. She looks down at her lap.

"I-I'm..." She starts, her facing growing redder and redder. "I'" She refuses to look me in the eyes. I take her chin in my hands and lift her head up, forcing her to look in my eyes. "Huh, I guess Gracie did some good. She taught me a few things." I think to myself.

We stare into eachothers eyes. Slowly, we both lean in. Brittan closes her eyes first, I soon follow, and finally our lips meet. Our lips fit together perfectly, move together perfectly. It's absolutely wonderful. Even though this isn't my first kiss, its my first kiss that actually means something. Before I know it, the kiss has ends. We sit sholder to sholder, red-faced and panting.

"Wow." Brittan says. "I'm totally gay."

"Me too." I say, still dazed from that amazing kiss. "Welcome to the club."


Whats this? Another chapter?

Wow! I finally came out of the procrastination hole!

I've been thinking about this chapter for a while now and here it is! I really enjoyed writing it and I hope y'all liked it. I'm sorry about that awkward kiss paragraph. I, unfortunately, have never kissed anyone, so I have 0 expirience points.

Please point out any mistakes I've made!! It really, really, helps my book become better!

Like I said, I hope y'all enjoyed it, cause I did.

Well, have a nice day!!😄😄

Hope For a Straighter Future (girlxgirl)(lesbian)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora