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"What is going on here?" He asked again, staring each man down. Nobody answered for a long time until Kate cleared her throat.

"No excuse, sir."

"What is this?" Sobel pointed at her.

"He's new sir, James Nicolli." Don said.

"A new one, huh? Let's introduce him to Currahee... All of you! Fall out!" He yelled so loud Kate could hear his voice break. She looked around, confused, and she saw the others running for the doors.

"What are you waiting for, Private? Go!" Sobel yelled in her ear. 

Kate broke into a jog, trying to catch up to the others. The men were running towards a forest track going up a hill. She fell in pace beside Luz and Frank.

"What the hell is a 'currahee'?" She puffed. Kate was afraid her voice sounded too feminine when she was out of breath. 

"The hill we're running up now. We run Currahee all the time for PT training. It's Camp Toccoa's motto." Luz replied. He didn't sound tired at all. Kate was amazed at his stamina. She tried not to talk for the rest of the run. 

The scenery around them was impressive. Towering pine trees framed the powder-blue sky, accompanied by charmingly raucous birdsong.  It was too bad Kate was busy doing her best not to throw up instead of soaking it all in.

The men reached the top of the hill, slamming their hands down on the concrete monument that signaled the end of the run. Kate's lungs heaved as she stumbled up to the stone, grappling onto it for support. She had trained thoroughly at home in anticipation of this whole endeavor, and had managed to impress herself in her fitness - it was enough to get her through the first tests, after all - but she had a long way to go before she could fit in among the men who had only been here a week.

"Almost done, guys!" Luz breathed heavily. "Jim, you okay? It's not exactly the best welcome gesture."

"I'm... Fine!" Kate breathed. She just wanted to get something to eat and go to sleep.

As the men (and "James") neared the end of the track, they saw Sobel waiting with his arms crossed in front of his office. 

The group slowed to a languid walk, each of them panting hard from the run. 

"In my office. Now." Was all Sobel said. Kate felt like she was in detention at school as the rest of the men filed through the open door. Sobel sat at his desk as the men lined up in front of him.

"I've been thinking of a suitable punishment for all of you." He looked up. "Stand at attention!" He barked when he saw their slumped shoulders. "As I was saying." He cleared his throat. 

"All of you with sufficient rank will be demoted to Private First Class. You will all also have your passes revoked for the next six weeks." He stood up, slamming his palms on his desk and spitting out his last word. "Dismissed."

Luz stifled a giggle as soon as they were out of earshot. "I thought he was gonna have us all hung outside our barracks!" The others burst into laughter. 

Kate subtly headed towards the room where their beds were, hoping not to be noticed. After running Currahee, it would have been nice to change out of her sweaty gear. Unfortunately, George Luz followed her in. "So, James, which one's your bed?" 

It took a moment for the question to register with Kate, as she was still getting used to her faux name. She looked up before pointing to the bottom bunk of a bed, about halfway through the row.

"That one with the rucksack on the sheets." Kate strolled over to it, uncrumpling the sheets before sitting down. She cringed, realizing the action was slightly ladylike. 

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