{Chapt. 1}

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What of you could change it all?

Take away the pain before it tore everything down.

Stop the horror before it was too late.

Well, sometimes, you can change your fate without meaning to do so.

You can stop all the tragedy. You can end it before it has a chance to break your whole world.

This was the truth Anakin Skywalker would soon find out.


The darkness drenched the mind of the young Jedi, who was alone in the council room.

His whole life had just changed in the blink of an eye.

The Chancellor, his mentor from the time Anakin was but a boy, had suddenly revealed himself as the Sith Lord the Jedi Order had been searching for. Not only that, but Palpatine had also admitted to the staging of the clone wars.

But that was not what Anakin had been most concerned about.

Palpatine had offered a way to save his wife and unborn child from death.

Padmè, his Angel. The only woman he had ever loved, the woman he saw dying in his prophetic dreams.

She was one person he would go against all his morals for. The one he would die for.

He turned to the large, ground-to-ceiling window.
The sunset let fierce darkness and beautiful pink, yellow light shine through the window, painting Anakin's face with these colors.
With dark on one half and the light on the other, the dusk revealed his inner conflict.

Off in the distance he could see his wife's apartment.

He could sense her warm, soothing presence in the force. Her aura engulfed him and granted him some peace in this chaotic galaxy.

But yet did he know that Padmè was also looking at her love from her window.

It was as if they knew the other were there gazing at each other.

As if their souls were bound together in the Force itself.

Anakin Skywalker needed to make a choice that would forever alter his destiny.

Choose the darkness and learn the ways darkside to save his wife, or stay in the light and trust in the Force that he would find a way.

The dark voices challenged the pure light.

Just as it seemed the darkness would win, the last drop of light in his mind brought him a horrid image of the Jedi Temple in flames as Jedi Masters, knights, and padawans layed dead on the steps.

The next picture was one of a black hand gripping Padmè's neck as her eyes overflowed with not only tears but fear. Anakin suddenly saw that it was him doing this unimaginable act to his precious wife. This version of himself was consumed with anger and refused to free her clenched throat. Obi Wan yelled something at him and he let go of Padmè and she fell to the ground with a sickening thud.

Then the light showed a heartbreaking sight. There layed Padmè, her face pale and her eyes closed. She was inside of a coffin being pulled by two large, horse-like creatures down the streets of Theed. Her delicate hands were placed over her swelled middle, and there was a familiar snippet of japor weaved around her fingers. His one true love was dead.

When the images stopped invading his thoughts, he was kneeling on the floor with tears streaming down his face.

He had just seen his future if he took the path of darkness.

He saw all the horrible things his one selfish choice would make.

Anakin needed to get out of that room and see his wife. He craved her closeness and thirst for her loving touch. She was his clarity.

The young Jedi knight darted out of the room and continues to run until he reached his ship. He flew back to their home quickly as was possible.

Padmè saw him land on the veranda and made her way over to her husband. She would've ran towards him if it was not for her heavily pregnant state.

They finally reached each other and embraced. Their lips met soon after, but still they remained in each other's arms. They kissed until both were left breathless.

Anakin gingerly swept back a stray tendril of her hair before bringing his hand down to gently caress her smooth cheek.

Padmè gazed into his eyes, searching for answers to unasked questions.

"Ani, what is it? Is everything all right?" Her melodic voice asked with her slight fear showing through her tone. "You're acting like you may never again see me."

Anakin smiled slightly. "Angel, there's nothing wrong. Well, nothing that won't soon be solved that is." He stated, hoping that he would not add further stress for his wife.

"I have something you need to know, and you might want to be seated when I tell you." Told Anakin, as he slowly lead her to their living room where they both sat down beside each other. He took her small hand in his.

Padmè's face held now not only fear, but confusion. "Anakin, you're scaring me. Please just tell me." She begged, as her thumb massaged the top of his hand.

Anakin took a deep breath in before telling her. "Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord we've been looking for. He told me so himself just a few hours ago."

Padmè let out a small gasp. "Ani, what did you do after he told you?" She questioned, her voice now wavering.

"I went and reported it to Master Windu almost immediately after. Master Windu told me to wait in the Council room, but I had to see you." Anakin explained as he once again caressed her delicate cheek.

Padmè reached up and placed her hand gently on top of his, which still rested on her cheek. Anakin closed his eyes and took a breath in, calming himself with the peace that flowed through her.

"Ani, I feel as though there's something you're not telling me." Padmè admitted.

Anakin smiled again. "Are you sure you're not a force sensitive?"

Padmè laughed slightly. "Maybe were just connected in the Force. Maybe we were destined for each other, my love."

Anakin lifted her hand to his lips where he planted a small kiss on her knuckles.

"Padmè, Palpatine told me he could help me save you from death." Anakin said simply, getting to the point. Padmè listened intently as he continued.

"He said I could learn the ways of the darkside and save both you and the baby. I was alone in the Council room, debating on what he had offered. Oh Padmè, I was so, so close to choosing his way to save you. But then all of a sudden the Force brought me images of the future had a gone down that path. I did so many horrible things, I killed so many innocent people. I killed you, the very person I was trying so hard to save." Her chestnut brown eyes held unshed tears at this point.

"I realized the Force was what I needed." He added. He gazed into her tear filled eyes.
"Padmè, you are my light in this darkness. If I lose you, my life no longer has any meaning." He broke down into a sob, one that he had been holding in for months, maybe even years. "I can't lose you." Whispered Anakin into his Angel's ear.

She wrapped her arms around him and he buried his face in the fabric of the dress. She layed her head on his shoulder, now releasing her tears as well.

There they sat, crying into one another. They let out their pain and anguish together.

Built up walls came crashing down and a force field of love surrounded the couple.

Husband and Wife stayed that way until all their tears were let out and gone. And therefore after fell asleep in each other's arms on that sofa.


By the way, some of this may of sounded sexual, but I did not mean it a such in any way, shape, or form! It was simply anidala fluff.

Written for anakinpadmeforlife's Anidala writing contest! Good luck to all who have entered!

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