{Chapt. 3}

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Anakin winced as he got up from his previous resting place atop the now broken table.

Obi Wan still stood in the doorway of the master bedroom, unbelieving and yet, some what expecting.

"I knew they had a close relationship, but I never thought they would allow it to go this far..." Thought Obi Wan as he looked to Padmè, who had just entered the room.

Anakin stood up and walked over slowly to the two.

Obi Wan's face displayed disappointment that spoke in volumes to Anakin, who couldn't even make eye contact with his former master.

Anakin, still with his gaze on the floor as a scolded child would, spoke up. "Master, I never intended for you to find out like this. We wanted to tell you, but with your loyalty to the Jedi, I—"

"The loyalty I thought you also shared to them, Anakin. I trusted you not to do something like this. I thought you had matured and knew that attachments like this are very dangerous, especially with someone as publicly known as Senator Amidala." Interrupted Obi Wan, has arms crossed and his disappointment still causing Anakin to be unable to look Obi Wan in the eye.

Padmè, not willing to let Anakin take all the blame, began to add her side of the story. "Master Kenobi, it is my fault as much as it is Anakin's fault. I wanted to be with him. I fell in love with him as much as he fell in love with me. To deny that love, to act as friends for the rest of our lives, would've drove us both mad. Yes, he went against the code, and yes, I should've stopped the feelings from growing. But I couldn't, and believe me Master Kenobi, I tried. And I failed. Love isn't something you can ignore or push away. It keeps nudging at your heart until your walls come crashing down and that love clings to you like your life depends upon it. We've been through thick and thin together, and nothing, I mean nothing, will split us apart." Padmè stated.

She walked over to Anakin who was smiling at her and they linked arms and held each other's hand, and Anakin a hand on Padmè's stomach, even the many layers of fabric hid the growing child.

"So say what you wish. I promised til death do us part and I intend to keep that vow." Finished Padmè, who looked up at her husband with a loving smile.

Anakin kissed the top of her head, no longer caring what Obi Wan thought of their relationship.

Obi Wan still stood in the doorway, somewhat fighting against himself. He was slowly realizing what a hypocrite he was.
He loved Anakin like a brother, and had told Anakin that on many occasions such as before battles that they were so sure they wouldn't come back from.

Perhaps the Jedi Council had been correct in the idea that Anakin was too old to be trained those years ago. He had relationships before joining the Jedi Order.

But of Obi Wan was completely honest, he had also disobeyed the rule of no attachments. And he regretted none of it.

"If anything," Thought Obi Wan,"love makes us stronger."

But Master Kenobi had not forgotten the devastating news he bore that day.

"Anakin," Started Obi Wan,"I didn't come here to criticize your life outside of the Order. I came to make you aware of what...of the destruction...of the Jedi Order." Told the Jedi Master, who had a very hard time retelling the horror of what had happened mere hours ago.

Anakin's face fell at the announcement, and Padmè remembered as well.

"When did...did this happen last night?" Anakin asked, trying to put the images of his dream out of his mind.

Padmè , who still held his hand, gave it a squeeze as a sign of comfort. Anakin gave her a weak smile, which quickly left his face as Obi Wan went to reply.

"Yes. I was attacked by my own men just after defeating Grievous. I luckily found an escape. Many others were...not so fortunate." Said Obi Wan, who's sorrow was evident.

Anakin nodded solemnly. "And...and the younglings?"

Obi Wan did not answer for telling about finding the brutally murdered children would likely be his undoing in keeping up his strong facade.

It didn't matter anyway, for Anakin already knew the fate of the innocent young ones.

Padmè raised a hand to her lips to cover the gasp that escaped. Though she already knew what Anakin had told her about the dream, she had never imagined that someone would be cruel enough to end so many innocent and young lives.

She gripped even tighter to Anakin, as she also did to her unborn child.

Both of the expectant parents couldn't stop imagining their own child in those poor children's positions.

Obi Wan luckily couldn't read their thoughts because he too couldn't stop thinking about the multiple bodies strewn all over on the blood painted floor.

Anakin finally gained the courage to speak up. "I...I overheard you telling Padmè about the person that lead all of this."

Obi Wan turned his gaze to Anakin once again. "Yes...Palpatine. That spineless, treacherous, demon of a human being called order 66 into play. We had suspected him of many things, but orchestrating all of this... we never could've imagined..."

Anakin instantly felt guilt pulling at him.

He was one of the last ones to see Palpatine before all of this. He had left to see Padmè immediately after he made up his mind on what path to take.

And from what his dream had shown him, he left Master Windu go to his death while he went to find the comfort of his wife.

He was responsible for all of this.

It was as though he himself had lead the attack on the Jedi Temple and killed all of those Jedi with his own hands.

The blood was on his hands and he knew it.

"Seems like I was always the dooming fate of the Jedi Order. Did the Force choose me to lead the Jedi, my friends and allies, to the slaughter? Maybe Palpatine was right. I'm to far gone now."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2018 ⏰

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