Chapter 2: Gloomy Day but Happy Day

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Taehyung POV
I was sleeping very comfortably but suddenly I heard a voice stuttering and speaking in fear. I woke up to check what it was and it was her... She was holding very very tight unto my hands saying, "Father... N-no, P-please don't r-r-rape me... Please... No... no... " with tears streaming down her face like a river. My heart felt like it was torn on two when I saw her crying like that. She was crying in her sleep and all of a sudden she screamed on top of her lungs,"NO!!!!!" She then woke up from her nightmare. She looked at me and I couldn't take it anymore so I pulled her in for a hug. She was crying and crying non stop. Her scream was so loud that she woke up the other members. They came rushing into the room, asking what happened and I shushed them telling them that she had a nightmare. After she stopped crying, I asked her, " What's your name? I couldn't ask you yesterday because you passed out with high fever." She answered in a soft voice saying,"Hi, Taehyung oppa. My name is Kim Seungyeon." She smiled at me as if nothing happened earlier. I answered her saying, "If it's not too much to ask, were you having a nightmare just now?" Just then, her face went pale but she managed to fake a smile and said,"Actually that nightmare wasn't an actual nightmare. It was real and it happened two weeks ago." Her lips were trembling with fear and her body was shaking and she forced out in a small voice, almost whispering, saying,"My dad raped me two weeks ago because I didn't bring back enough money for him to buy alcohol and not enough for my mom to buy drugs. She asked him to rape me as a punishment. That was how my virginity was taken away from me. After that day, he has been calling me to go back home everyday as he wanted more." She cried again. I hugged her and patted her back. When she stopped crying, I asked the members to come in to have a discussion. I told the members what happened to her and their faces were filled with tears. After finishing the story of her life, I watch as the tears that were welled up on their eyes rolled down their cheeks. Jin broke the silence saying, "Well, I should go cook for her. She looks like she haven't had a home cooked meal for a long time." He made his way to the kitchen while the others stayed in my room, comforting her, telling her that everything is okay and that they are here for her. After all the crying, she went back to sleep because her fever still haven't subsided yet. Rap Monster then suggested that we have an emergency family meeting downstairs.

In the hall- BTS Dorm
Rap Mon hyung then said, "I think we should let Seungyeon stay here with us. I don't want her to go hone only to see her get beaten up again. I can't do that. My heart can't take it. Not that I like her, it's just that she's younger than me and she has a great future in front of her, I don't want to see her life being ruined by her good for nothing parents." The members all agreed to do that. I went upstairs to my room to find her awake. She looked so cute sitting on my bed. The others then followed behind, I told her,"Seungyeon, you're staying here with us from now on. We can't let you go home. We can't bear to see you being tortured by your parents like that. It hurts..." She looked at me with tears welled up in her eyes and said,"I can't thank you enough. Thank you so much, I've always wanted to escape from that house. I was too afraid so I couldn't do it, but thanks to you all I am finally free from them. By the way, I'm your fan." Namjoon hyung then said,"Really? What is the fanchant?" She then answered,"Kim Namjoon! Kim Seokjin! Min Yoongi! Jung Hoseok! Park Jimin! Kim Taehyung! Jeon Jungkook! BTS!!" She was finally smiling. She looked so cute.

Seungyeon POV
After the fanchant, I didn't realise that I was smiling until I went to the bathroom. I stared at the mirror to find myself smiling. I am happy that Taehyung oppa came to watch me perform. I quickly realised too that I was no longer in my own clothes. I freaked out, Shit!!! Did he saw the scars on my body? Why is he acting as if he haven't saw anything? Would they accept me? FUCK!!!! I calmed down and went to Taehyung. I pulled him to his room upstairs and asked him, "Umm... Did you change my clothes?" I looked at him wide eyed and he answered,"Yes, don't worry. And yes, I saw your scars but to me, the scars are as beautiful as you." he said to me winking.

My face was red and heated up from what he said. My heart was beating very hard as well. I looked at him, not knowing what hit me, I pulled him in for a kiss. I pulled him by his wrist and put my arms around his neck, and I stood on my toes and pulled him in for a kiss. It was the best feeling ever. Him being surprised, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me back. After about two minutes we pulled away from each other catching our breath. My face was burning red, and turned around with my back facing him and said, "I'm sorry, I got carried away. I'm so so sorry." I was walikng out of the bathroom and he suddenly pulled me back by my waist and hugged me and said, "You can't just kiss me and leave, as if nothing happened. I know we just met but I love you! I love you, Kim Seungyeon, my beautiful Yeonnie. I don't know about you, but I really love you. You can think of it as love at first sight." Startled, I looked at him feeling touched about what he said to me. No one has ever praised me for being beautiful. All my life, everything that I have ever heard was, "Fuck off!! You look ugly! You're a disgrace to this family! I regret giving birth to you!" But here comes the person I have always admire, telling me I'm beautiful, I can't help but being touched by his words. " Do you actually mean it? You telling me that you love me and that I'm......beautiful...?" I looked at him in the eyes. Taehyung oppa then came closer to me pulling me into his warm embrace and kissed my forehead and said, " Yes, my Yeonnie. I meant everything that I've said. You are beautiful, lovely, adorably cute, pretty and most important, you are kind. I can't help but fall in love with you. I know we just met, but I need to tell you this. I'm not rich and neither do I have a car. I'm not the guy to give you all that you want. But I want you to know that the love I have for you is never ending. I would walk through fire for you to be safe. I will go through hell for you to prove it to you. I promise to take care of you, and never hurt you. I promise you that I will never cheat on you. I promise you to love you and only you. You are the one that I have ever wanted and ever will want. You are my love. My dear Yeonnie, my love, I love you." I looked at him feeling touched and I found streams of tears rolling down his eyes like a waterfall. I wiped his tears away and kisses his cheek and I hugged him tight and snuggled my face into his chest, moving our bodies side to side.

After a few minutes, I looked up at him and said, "Oppa, I... i love you too. I love you for who you are and not what you've become. I love you because you have a good heart amd you have a smile of an angel. You have no idea how much your smiles mean to me. Whenever I'm having a hard time, I just need to look at pictures of you smiling and I'm fine. I don't need a nice life to be happy. I don't need luxurious homes, I don't need V, I don't need you to pretend, I don't need fancy cars, I just need you, Kim Taehyung. I need that beautiful piece of speciment of what God can make, I need that cute and adorable puffy alien and I need that little cuddle friendly Taehyungie Oppa❤️ I love you Kim Taehyung❤️"
I hugged him and I gave him a peck on his lips. He looked at me wide eyed and the look on his face was priceless, he was literally speechless.
This was the best day of my life, being in the arms of Taehyung Oppa. With the feeling of being loved by him was the best thing that I could ever ask for.

- To be continued-
Hey guys, sorry for not updating for a long time... I was busy with college and with work.

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