Taehyung- 13 Reasons Why

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No one is gonna die in this story I just really love this show! So :)
Genre: Fluff
Words: 697

It was a normal high school day, people were usually trying to find there friends, talk about work, there grades and such. But for Ally, she likes ignoring her environment. Every morning she doesn't let anyone talk to her, well apart from someone,
"Ally!" A manly voice was heard through the girl's music. She turned around and saw one of her friends, Kim Taehyung. The boy ran to her and gave her the typical hug that she gets every morning.
"So how are you?" Taehyung said while the two friends started walking.
"Same same you?" The girl turned off her music and stared at Taehyung. But the boy just smiled and the girl knew he wanted to say something.
"Well prom is on Friday do you have a partner?" Taehyung asked. Oh prom the most lovely day of the school year. She shooked her head indicating as a sign of no. Taehyung smiled widely but the bell rang.
"Okay gotta go Ally bye!" He said running to his first period class.
"Hm strange wonder why he asked.." the girl said to herself before walking away.


"Jimin you almost done?" Taehyung said.
"Almost done Tae!" He said and finally finished his so called project.
"Guys do you think she'll like this?" He asked the other 5 who were working as well. They all looked back and all gave the boy a smile.
"Don't worry hyung! Ally is a nice girl she will love it!" Jungkook said.
"I hope so." He muttered.


Lunch came around and Ally was talking to her group of friends.
"Ally you should go this year, Prom is so fun!" Leah said.
"Yeah come on pleasee!" Mimi replied.
"Im not sure yet you guys!" The girl replied. As they kept talking, they were interrupted by a loud bang. They looked back and the girl saw 6 of Taehyung's friends holding up a mixtape. They went to the girl and placed it on the table in front of her. There were 13 mix tapes. As soon as Jimin placed the last one he whispered,
"Read it out loud." Then walked away. Ally took the first one that has flowers and hearts. And one by one she read them out loud

1. "I wanna tell everyone I have the most beautiful prom date.

2. I want to make you feel happy and safe in my arms.

3. Dancing with you would be so much fun and I wanna experience that.

4. Talking to you lets me be myself and im glad that your one of the people that gets to see that.

5. So I can make all the boys that will hit on you go away because your mine.

6. Looking into your eyes makes me only focus on you and not anything else, I love that feeling too.

7. I will finally get to see you in a beautiful dress since I know your not the type of person to do that.

8. I will treat you like a princess, not just at prom but forever.

9. Make you smile is something I want to happen.

10. Get closer to you of course.

11. Make your last year of high school the best.

12. giving you confidence in yourself.

13. Because I love you." The card said to look behind and you finally saw your admire.
"Park Ally would you love to go to prom with me?" Taehyung said holding 13 roses. The girl smiled and nodded. The students and teachers corrupted with cheers while the two best friends finally became one.
"And thats my!!" The boy said. The girl looked at him in confusion.
"Thats my what?"

"And thats my 13 reasons why you should go to prom with me!"


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