1 - How The Choice Log Came To Be

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"Val loggar, Val loggar! Val loggar, Val loggar! Val loggar, Val loggar! Val loggar, Val loggar!"

A rather loud, repeating chant echoed throughout the dark space, the dim lights of candles reflecting the shimmering, brick walls, decorated with small white lights covering them.

A stage set in the scenery, set back, but visible, was lit up elegantly with candle after candle, and...shoes?

A woman danced around a cauldron, chanting those words. Various other beings danced around below the stage, chanting too. Most were woman, but a few were men. It was hard to tell due to the grey cloaks they were wearing.

"Keep chanting." The woman on the stage stated, and stopped dancing around the cauldron, now stopped behind it. She lifted her hands up, and kept a straight face.

"Oh, great Goddess Ashi! Bless us with the power to destroy these filthy children! They continue to destroy our lives, as we only teach them more knowledge!" She yelled, tears running down her face, "They dirty our tables with their filthy Feet! We educate them, but they give us no recognition! Please, Goddess Ashi!"

A light reined down from the ceiling, surrounding the woman in magical particles, glowing like firefly.

"Kära, jag kommer bevilga du de kraft du söka." Another woman's voice said, in an unknown language. The men and woman with cloaks on, as well as the woman on the stage glowed gold, and gasped, their eyes turning white as a white paper floated down into the woman's hands, "Det är gjort. Nu förstöra dem, med en ny objekt, de val logga!!"


The light particle surrounding them disappeared, and their eyes went to normal.

"What did she say?" A mans voice spoke up, staring at the choice log.

"Dear, I will grant you the power you seek." The woman on the stage smiled, the tears still running down her face, "It is done. Now destroy them, with a new object, the choices log!!"

The people yelled out in happiness, crying tears of joy.

"Today is the day that Foot Lady will rule you all, and the children will surrender to the fists that can snap bones in half!"

The small crowd of humans screamed out in pure pride as they were finally going to win the war, between Anti-Foot Ladies, and Foot Ladies!

Starting with...


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