To Forgive (Draco/Hermione)

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Prologue – The Entries

 January 2nd, 1991 - 7:38 pm.

 Dear Diary,

This is my first entry in this journal, I am ten years old. I currently attend the Pasadena All Girls Academy; although it is quite fun I will sadly have to go back after winter break. My name is Hermione Jean Granger, my parents and close friends call me ‘Mione. There’s this boy I know named Robert, not really good looking but cute enough. Actually, I only like him because he’s the only nice one to me and he is really smart! I don’t know how this Diary thing works, but I will check in soon. Off to school tomorrow, wish me luck!



 June 10th, 1991 - 3:37 am.

 Dear Diary,

 Tonight is a horrible night, I have just received a bad grade for messing around in class, I can’t sleep; dad hasn’t come home yet from work and neither has mom. I am alone in the house right now and am dearly in need of a friend. I have nothing on my mind to write down yet but I am truly scared out of my mind. I think thats them at the door.



 June 11th, 1991 - 12:56 pm.

 Dear Diary,

Everything is fine; my parents were in a bad car wreck but are thankfully safe. Something crazy happened today and I am really confused. I fell and hit my knee, and there was a lot of blood. It hurt so badly and I couldn’t even get up and go home. But once I was able to stand up, the pain went away. I looked down and I had no wound. Just something weird and I don't know if I should tell my parents or not. See you soon.


The freaked out ‘Hermione’

 July 2nd, 1991 - 9:23 am.

 Dear Diary,

 I am freaking out even worse than last time, all summer I have been doing freaky things that have gone un-explained, I finally found out the answer to my problem. I am a witch. Not even ten minutes ago, I received a letter that was sent by an owl. It becomes weirder; I Hermione Jean Granger am accepted into Hogwarts Witchcraft & Wizardry.

I thought it was fake, but who else would go out of their way to train an owl, make a wax stamp, and fake a whole letter just for me?

Parents will take me to London tomorrow to see if any of it is likely to be true.

 Your best wishes,


 September 3rd, 1991 - 5:39 am.

 Dear Diary,

 Completely forgot I packed this journal with me, sorry for no entries lately. Well, all of it is true, I am truly ecstatic! I am a witch attending Hogwarts; so far (as it goes) I seem like the only one who has read any of the books for this year. And this part is not as surprising, it reminds just like the all girls  at the Academy but worse. Everyone hates me and are annoyed of me; even the boy Harry Potter seems to hate me and I hate it!

 All that I can say, bye!


 November 2nd, 1991 - 5:24 pm.

To Forgive (Draco/Hermione)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant