Betty White

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"If you're walking with your lady on the sidewalk, I still like to see a man walking street-side, to protect the lady from traffic. I grew up with that, and I hate to see something like that get lost. I still like to see that a man opens the door. I like those touches of chivalry that are fast disappearing."

"I may be a senior, but so what? I'm still hot."

"A lady likes to be complimented on her looks, her eyes, her figure. But the personality comments are much appreciated."

"I don't care who anybody sleeps with. If a couple has been together all that time - and there are gay relationships that are more solid than some heterosexual ones - I think it's fine if they want to get married. I don't know how people can get so anti-something."

"If one has no sense of humor, one is in trouble."

"Retirement is not in my vocabulary. They aren't going to get rid of me that way."

"Facebook just sounds like a drag, in my day seeing pictures of peoples vacations was considered a punishment"

"I don't know people get so anti-something. Just mind your own business, take care of your own affairs, and don't worry about other people so much."

"Snow always inspires such awe in me. Just consider one tiny snowflake alone, so delicate, so fragile, so ethereal. And yet, let a billion of them come together through the majestic force of nature, they can screw up a whole city."

"I think everybody needs a passion. Whether it's one passion or a hundred, that's what keep life interesting."

"Friendship takes time and energy if it's going to work. You can luck into something great, but it doesn't last if you don't give it proper appreciation. Friendship can be so comfortable, but nurture it-don't take it for granted."

"All creatures must learn to coexist. That's why the brown bear and the field mouse can share their lives in harmony. Of course, they can't mate or the mice would explode."

"Wilderness is harder and harder to find these days on this beautiful planet, and we're abusing our planet to the point of almost no return."

"Of course, nobody's tearing my door down. If you're successful you're going to intimidate and scare off the people you'd like to spend time with. They're not going to approach you. And the ones who do are often there because you are a celebrity."


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