Catching fellings

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Your pov Good morning Y/N I hear Tessa say as she shakes me to wake up I put the pillow over my head but she interrupts by saying we have a special day planed for you you don't want to e late she says and then leaves my room. I get up and I do my morning routine and then head down stairs I hear the twins talking in Spanish who knows what there saying and then I hear jake say good morning so I say good morning back then the twins look at me and say good morning then Emilio and Jake leave and go into the office which is where everyone is in except for me and Ivan it was getting awkward so I decided to break the silence so I'm guess your Ivan yep he says and nods his  .ivan So Y/N . You yeah back. Ivan You never answers my question I asked from last night. YouWhat do you mean? Ivan Like why you are here and why you hugged me? You well I am Tessa's younger sister and my parents go on a lot of trips for there jobs and they feel bad for always leaving me home so I talked to Tessa about it and she asked jake if I could stay here and obviously he said yes. Ivan that's cool and what about the hugging part? You well you see Me and Emilio we're hanging out last night and we got pretty close to him like I knew him for years but really I knew him for a few minutes and so when I saw you I thought you were Emilio because he never told me he had a twin so I hugged you thinking you were him. Ivan makes sense we always get mistaken you yeah I couldn't imagine how annoying it is Ivan yeah but you get used to it. You oh ok and Ivan why didn't you go to dinner last night with us Ivan I was catching up on my 13 reasons why I haven't watched it in a while you oh ok I love that show Maybe we should watch it together something? Ivan sound good you ok well I'm going to go find Tessa see you later I say while walking off  Ivan's pov she is so beautiful I feel really bad for not welcoming her last night but I will make it up to her. Your pov I walk into the office where everyone is and talk to Tessa about me mistaking Ivan with Emilio and then I get interrupted by Jake yelling who is ready to get this day started and all of them say yassss lets go and Ohioooo and Stupid stuff like that (Ohiooo isn't stupid just pretend you don't understand it) then we all leave the house and go outside

Thank you so much for reading this I enjoy it so much hope you like it there is another part coming - Alexis

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