Chapter 2

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Harry's pov

"Beep beep beep" my alarm sounded all too early.

As I awoke my eyes felt heavy and my head was pounding. I hated having nightmares, they always drain me. And to make things worse, today was my first day back at college.

I got excluded last week for fighting with this guy. He's such a dick! It was his own fault for calling me stuff. He better not come near me today. I don't want to get excluded again.


Once I had quickly made some toast, but it turned out more like burnt ashes, and got dressed I was ready to go. I locked the front door and made my way to my car.


Emma's POV

"Mum I really don't want to go! Please can I not call in sick for one day." I pleaded with her. I knew she probably wouldn't let me but it's worth a try.

"No Emma, I've told you before you can't just take days off as you please, if I did that-"

"Yes you'd get sacked from your job l know, you've told me a million times already!" I huffed. She always uses that god dammed excuse.

"Fine! Fine, I'll go I'll go!" I shouted. And stalked out the front door and made my way over to the bus stop.

Once I got on the bus I saw Jess sat at the back.

"Hi Jess." I called over, and she smiled and waved me over. She was one of my closest friends at college. We were always together, if you found me you'd find Jess.

Although I see a lot less of her now, since she got her new boyfriend niall. He was a really sweet though so I don't really mind, sometimes I hang around with them both, but I just feel a bit awkward. He's an Irish kid. Blonde, skinny and quite tall, and one of the only nice guys at college. Everybody else are pricks.

"Hey Em's I've not seen you in ages, how are you Hun?' She was always so bubbly.

"I'm great thanks, how's you and niall?' I smiled, I did really like niall, he was so kind, and lovely to Jess. I was happy for them. I just wish I had my own niall....

"Aw good, and amazing thanks, ahh he's so sweet I'm going to his at the weekend again. I'm so exited!"

She went on and on and on all the way to college, even when I got off the bus she was still talking about him.

"Okay, well that all sounds lovely Jess but I really have to go or I'm going to be late." I said stopping her mid sentence.

"Oh okay, yeah sorry, I seem to lose track of time when I talk about him, sorry, I'll see you later.'

"It's okay, see you.' I said smiling making my way to my first lesson.

I walked down the surprisingly empty corridors. How late am i? I checked my phone to see the time when suddenly some very tall rude guy walked straight into me knocking my phone and all my books right out of my hands and on to the floor.

"For fuck sake watch were your going, idiot!" He shouted. Cussing at me.

As I looked at this tall dark figure, I realised who it was. The guy who got excluded last week for fighting with Jack. Harry? I think that's his name. No one messes with him, jack was stupid to, but his ego got the better of him. But He's hardly ever in. I'm quite surprised he's not been kicked out yet.

"Sorry." I said quietly, no one stood up to him. Anyone that did, certainly would know about it.

"Where's the separate physics room moved to!" He demanded ignoring my apology which wasn't really needed.

Oh great he was in my class.

"I'm In that room, if you wait for me to pick up my stuff I'll show you." I said bending down to pick up my books, hoping my hint would maybe make him offer to pick them up.

Did it work? Of course not.

We walked in awkward silence to our physics room. I could literally feel his eyes on me the whole way there.

"Ah Mr. Styles, Miss jones, good of you too finally join us. Sit down please." Mr. Johnson said as we entered the room.

As I went over to the empty desk at the front, I could feel almost every single persons head in the room turn in my direction and stare as harry came and sat down next to me. Everyone was staring at me as if I had grown two heads or something.

Everyone seems obsessed with him, no one likes him but everyone just gossips about him. I do feel quite sorry for him in a way because he's always on his own. But even so he's still a prick.

The lesson seemed to drag on for what seemed like hours. this is why I hated this day I had double physics, English maths and art. It was such a long day.

"Oi!" I heard a deep husky voice sound next to me.

"Excuse me." I said turning to face harry.

"What's the answer" he demanded. Is he joking. How rude can someone actually get.

"Work it out yourself! And I do have a name you know, I don't just respond to 'oi' "

"Ugh. Fine, what's your name?"


"Well Emma, do you know the answer or not?" Still so rude. He's actually unbelievable.

"Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you!" I snapped.

Big mistake.

"Fine fuck you! Fuck you all! Fuck this work sheet! Fuck this class room! Fuck this school!" He screamed his neutral face going a deep shade of red, his vein down his neck had now began to rise up. What the hell is wrong with this guy?

"Styles!! Outside now!" Mr. Johnson shouted, his voice booming off the walls. But harry wasn't listening. He was wreaking havoc in the small classroom, it was so defenceless under his powerful wrath. Someone needed to stop him. And me being the interfering type of person I am. I stepped in.

"Harry! Stop! Jesus Christ I'll give you the bloody answers, just stop wrecking the class room!" I shouted.

To my surprise he actually stopped. Well this I wasn't expecting.

"Just breath and calm down, Christ you can have my whole sheet just don't take it out on the furniture" I said as he put the chair back down.

"That whole thing was over miss jones not giving you some answers! Good lord Harry! you need to learn to control that temper of yours." Mr Johnson started to laugh. Just as the bell went for lunch. And harry stormed out the room.

Well that made physics a bit more interesting.

(Hi guys, hope you liked the chapter! Please don't forget to vote, I know it's probably nothing but it only takes a second, it just makes me feel better so please vote and comment any thoughts about the chapter. Hope you enjoyed it! I hope you like the story so far! :) Ily x )

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