Chapter 18

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Emma's POV

As I woke up. I panicked and quickly checked the time remembering I hadn't text my dad where I was. I rubbed my eyes and reached over Harry's sleeping body to reach my phone.

I switched it on, and it was way to bright so I quickly turned the brightness down. Before looking at my screen. It was just gone midnight.

I quickly scrolled down to my dad's number and text him saying I was staying at Jess's house. I knew she would cover for me even if she fit know where I was. That's what I loved about her.

I dropped my phone back down and locked it placing it on to the bed side table. I turned round to harry. He lay on his front with his back to me one hand lay limply at his side and one was bent under his head, so he was resting on it. His heavy, slow breathing batted against the duvet.

I leant over to kiss his cheek then scooted closer to him hugging his chest, and intertwining out hands.

As I relaxed back to sleep, my nose filling with the amazing sent of harry.


Harry's POV

"Daddy?" I asked him as he came in to my room.

"Yes son?" He smiled sitting down next to me.

"Do you want to play race cars with me?" I asked I hope he said yes. He hardly ever plays with me anymore he's always out late.

Yes of course harry, which car shall I be?" He asked looking through the big box of them.

"This red one. I'm the blue."

"Okay. Let's go then. Ready." He said smiling.

"Yep!" I said excitedly

"Three, two, one..... Go!" He shouted

Then suddenly dream changed and my daddy turned around his eyes were glazed and he crushed my little car in his hand making it crumble on the floor.

"Stupid boy!" He spat.

I opened my now watery eyes, confused. What? I don't even remember one time he was ever nice to me. I thought it was too good to be true. He never played with? I don't think. I suppose I kind of liked the idea of it but, no. Whatever he did it always ended in bad.

I shook out the visions in my head and carefully sat up careful not to wake Emma. I wiped my eyes on my top that was on the floor, and quietly got out of bed.

I need to clear my head.

I looked at the time. 2.31am

I went to my wardrobe and pulled out a pair of running pants and a T-shirt along with my trainers and a beanie.

The only thing that helped to clear my head was running. It calmed me down.

I pulled them on slowly, the aches in my body were still there but I had grown used to them, and sat on the bed to put my trainers on.

I winced slightly as I got a shoot of pain up through me when I bent forward but I ignored it and carried on. I turned around and kissed Emma on the forehead, who was totally oblivious to everything, as she lay peacefully sleeping. I wonder what she was thinking about?

"I love you." I whispered into her ear.

Then it dawned on me. This a thought that has never crossed my mind before. Love. I was never an emotive, caring child. My minds always been fucked up thanks to my dad. So this was a strange sensation for me.

I actually love this girl, lay In front of me. I love her. I really love her. And I've never spoke those words to her.

"I love you." I said again. Out loud, loving the feeling I got in my stomach when I said it. I don't like to show my affectionate side usually, but right now I couldn't care. It felt right, saying it to Em. The way that it's never felt before.

(Hey guys sorry for such a short chapter, I'm just about to go out and I wanted to update before I went. I promise the next chapter will be longer. Hope your enjoying broken. And I'm so happy that the views keep on climbing! Ily all. Okay Byeee xxx )

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