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Hello internet

I've been getting a lot of ideas about stories but I know how I always come up with this epic plots that will never see the light of day and it upsets me. I mean, I put a lot of thought into these stories it just happens to be defeated easily by my laziness. So I thought doing a plot shop would be a good idea. However, before we get to the fun part I want to the let you all know that I will have some requirements you'll have to meet if you want to adopt my child...I mean story. Eh same thing. Anyway, here's the list of things I want you to take care of

1. Please Finish It
Guys, this is why I made this shop.
So that way I could see a finished product of my idea. So if you could do me a favor and not leave it in your drafts until hell freezes over...I'd appreciate it.

2. Upload Within A Month
Most people ask you to upload within a couple weeks, but I know that life can get pretty hectic and a silly story could suffer the consequences. So, I want to be fair with you guys and ask if you upload within the time of a month. If not, I'm going to politely ask if I can pass the plot onward to someone else who I know will handle it better. I wouldn't want to stress you out. Now, if something comes up and you feel like you can upload with the next month after its original due date has passed please, please tell me what the problem was so I could extend the date. Of course, if you can't get it up by the end of the second month, I'm sorry pal, but I'm going to be forced to ask if you'd give it up.

*Did that make any sense??^^*

3. Do It Justice
I'm not asking for perfection because it's no secret that I'm not the greatest writer either, but I would like it if the person who adopts my plot is at least somewhat good with detailing scenes, people, and other things.

4. No overly-dramatic nonsense
I've read a lot of fanfiction in my time to know that there are stories out there that have characters that overreact to something a normal person would go,"It's cool man, I forgive you." This is probably one of my biggest turn offs when it comes to stories, if not the biggest, only because it's not needed. I get it if the story calls for someone to overreact so that they change at the end (character development) or if it effects the plot, but if your character is just whining like a little brat all the time, I don't want my children to be presented that way.

Examples of what I don't want presented:
"I honestly just don't like to socialize with other humans. It's toxic you know?" I told him still laying about in my sweatpants with my book tight in my grip. "One party won't kill you. Plus, I need a friend to tag along with me. Think of it as a friendly favor." I rolled my eyes in annoyance, the things I do for that man. "I don't want to go! And you can't force me to do something I don't want...I thought you were my friend!" I said welling up with tears. "I literally just asked you to a party-" I began sobbing. I can't believe he was being so irrational! I'm so going to tell this to my best friend who will agree with me because she's just as dramatic. "You know what? I'm sorry because the author of this story wants me to comfort you, and except the blame for your overreaction, but hey, that's how people like their fanfiction."

I understand if the character is over-emotional and it's one of their main traits, but even so, please don't do this. Just for the sake of being human, don't do this.


If they just met (unless the plot calls for it) do not make them kiss, flirting is okay, but nothing sexual. Even on the first damn date, a kiss is okay, but if they sleep together boi imma roast you so bad for making my baby a hoe. My children aren't hoes? Are we clear?

6: Do not rush the events
If the time line for the story is taking place over a short amount of time (could be a day to maybe a couple months (1-5)) then, yes, of course the events need to be balanced evenly throughout the book. However, if this takes place for over 7 months to whenever you want it to end, for the love of God do not rush the story. Keep the readers entertained with an event unfolding within the next two chapters, yes, but don't have them meet day one, kiss day two, and freaking elope on day three. That's just bad timing.

This suddenly turned into writing tips.

7. Please credit me
After all I gave birth to the plot and it's only fair you credit my baby to me, but yes, you can take as much credit for the things you added

8. Just have fun with it
If it seems like I'm asking a lot of you, I'm sorry. I just really love these little ideas and I want them to be perfect, and I'm sure they will be. But nothing says "perfect" more than when you mix your ideas into the pot. Don't be afraid to make it your own universe, this is YOUR story, YOUR writing, YOUR brain.

Hope I didn't come off too strong, but without anymore yapping, here are some plots for you fellas.

All We Know Is Falling  [Plot Shop]Where stories live. Discover now