Untitled Part 1

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I love the night time because its always beautiful but its also the saddest cause it means the day is almost over and a new day is about to begin no matter how good your day is but mine isn't. it is cold and wet day. raining on top of me as i walk between the forest and the road soaking my dirty clothes and my messy long blonde hair. why do i have to have scraps ,cut and bruises all over my body, it stings from the cold and rain and i wish i had money or something just so i can buy some food and clothes maybe even a drink bottle though water is easy to get but not to keep if you don't have anything to keep it in. my name is Cynder Scarlett crimson and i am 15 years old i came from my awful parents house well from there backyard actually that's were kept me in a cage chained by my arms with a six L water dipper and only feed every two three days,have a shower or a bath every 3 weeks with clean clothes to wear, brush my teeth every 3 days and get whipped and bashed every few days for no good reason and i lack education for 10 years. after they got sick an tried of looking after me badly and torturing me they let me go i was so scared to look or ask for help or even call for the police. i'm heading north back to my original home town forks i don't know why there's no family members that i know of that lives there i'm just going there because its the only place i know to go. i'm surprised i even remember it i was only there when i was a baby to i was four years old. i'm not really a normal teenage kid i can read peoples minds as they drive past or walk past me in there cars. i found it cool and weird but it keeps me amused so then i don't get bored to death or something. i was tired so i walked more towards the forest then the road so i can sleep i found this tree that was almost spilt into two the gap was big enough that i can fit and sit in it, it was warmer in there cause the wind and rain couldn't go in it. i sat in there trying to get myself comfortable once i did i quickly looked around then closed my eyes and let the darkness of deep sleep come over me. i startled awake to realise i was lying on top of a horse sized sandy brown wolf and next to that one was a light grey wolf. they both jogged to a place i did not know. up ahead i can see a little red house. the two wolfs turn there heads at me and stared at me for a few seconds. i gazed back at them to they both looked away. i think they expected me to scream or make a run for it but i didn't then i wondered why i didn't but then i didn't care it doesn't look like they were going to harm me especially when they had this look of concern of there faces and that they where still heading towards the red house that's when i realise  people were coming outside and this black wolf was with them  waiting. once they gathered around the black wolf they looked at me and the two wolf and they started mumbling stuff as we got nearer. the sandy brown wolf stopped and looked at me and thought to himself  "i wonder if she know i want her off. it wouldn't surprise me if she cant i mean look at her state of heath i feel bad for her i'll ask her later what happen to her. it's a good thing i found her."  "do you mean "we" not "i" you weren't the only one that found her Seth." the light grey wolf thought to him. "well you wanted to leave her there thinking she can still defend herself look -" "stop it Seth and Leah" the black wolf yelled to them. "can you's two stop auguring your giving me a headache and i'm fine enough to get off and walk on my own" i said as i slid off Seth. everyone looked at me and i said "What" as i stand there not knowing what to do.           

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