Untitled Part 6

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"come child.let our family regroup for a moment, then we'll have some questions for you. if you answer honestly, you have nothing to fear" Carlisle said extending his hand forward encouragingly. "Carlisle?" jasper said calling out. The second jasper sore the girl he coiled like a snake about to attack. "jasper!" Carlisle warned. jasper straighten up a bit and stared at Carlisle with shock. "what's going on?" jasper demanded. "she doesn't want to fight. she surrendered." Carlisle said to jasper. jasper grow frustrated and frowned "Carlisle i ....... i'm sorry, but that's not possible. we can't have any of these newborns associated with us when the volturi come. do you realise the danger that would put us in." jasper said worried and mad. "jasper she only a child we can't just murder her in cold blood!" esme protested. i toke a few steps closer not knowing what to do "it's our family on the line here, esme. we can't afford to have them think we broke this rule." jasper said getting more frustrated and worried. esme walked between the girl,jasper and Carlisle then turned her back to the girl "no. i won't stand for it." esme protested again Carlisle shot a quick anxious glance at the girl then said " jasper, i think we have to take the chance. we aren't the volturi. we follow their rules, but we do not take lives lightly. we will explain." "they might think we created our own newborns in defence." jasper answered back "but we didn't and even if we had, there  was no indiscretion here, only in Seattle. there is no law against creating vampires if you control them." Carlisle said calmly " this is too dangerous" jasper said Carlisle touched jasper on the shoulder " jasper. we cannot kill this child." Carlisle said " i don't like this at least let me take charge of her. you two don't know how to deal with someone who's been running wild for so long." jasper said a bit calmer now. " of course jasper but be kind." esme said kindly. jasper rolled his eyes. " we need to be with the others. Alice said we don't have long." jasper said and Carlisle nodded the turned around back towards the rest of the family and the pack is with esme at his side. i got tried and bored with listening and the pain is burning ever so high but i try my best to ignore it. i turned and jogged back to the pack all of them very happy,proud and excited of themselves. i started blocking out the sound of jasper and the girl i mean how can they trust her so easily i see why jasper  was so wary and tense she can easily snap and attack at any moment. all of a sudden i realised i can hear another voice in my head that i don't know i must have been blocking it out he jumped out from where he was hiding Leah was the first one to see him besides me and lunged forward but the vampire push her way then Jacob lunged forward to help but the vampire dodge out of his way then quickly grabbed Jacob around the shoulder and chest then squeezed down hard. Jacob yelped and cried in pain as his bones got crushed we were shocked and wide eyes to do anything then vampire  let go of Jacob and his body slammed into the ground still yelping and crying in pain . the vampire made a run for it but nobody  didn't brother chasing after him. every but Jacob phased back including me and ran towards Jacob. Leah yelled at him and Carlisle said to Jacob and Sam " please let me take a look. please let me help." in a worried but kind voice. Sam said "fine  but if you hurt him anymore then he is-" "i won't, thank you" said Carlisle. Carlisle quickly said somethings to Sam then all of the pack expect me and Leah were holding Jacob and quickly started jogging off back into the woods and to our home Jacob was still whining when they put him on his bed and we started to try and calm him down  and give him what medicine we can find in the house to help him to Carlisle gets here and helps. when we didn't find much i disided to go for a run to distract me from the pain and Jacob.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2017 ⏰

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