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Name: Nataline Amity Louise

Age: 18

Hair: light purple

Eyes: honey amber

Personality: Calm and mature and confident. But deep down she is childish and broken

About her: Nataline is an illegitimate child of the Louise family. She strives hard everyday of her life to be the heir that her family wants her to be. Yet, she was always neglected and sidelined in her childhood days. And she tries hard to prove herself and even going through lengths just so to get it.

Name: Terrance Weasly

Age: 19

Hair: Dark brown

Eyes: dark black

About him: Terrance is a normal guy going through college and supporting his two sisters. He is not really into the female population and avoids contact with them unless they are needed. He has some hatred over the high social status. And avoids any contact with them as well.

I will update as soon as i can!!

Please enjoy

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