Chapter 1: Life in the sidelines

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I had woke up with the suns rays peeking through my bedroom window.

I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes and stretching my arms up in the air. Then suddenly, the door of my room knocked and opened. Revealing one of the maids.

"Its time to wake up now miss Amity." The maid said as she said my second name. I nodded. "I'm already awake Rosaline. Hurry up and get me ready." I commanded.

The said maid bowed and smiled. "Yes miss."

She then proceeded to get me ready. And drew hot water for my bath. She placed my morning tea on the nightstand of my bed, while I was in the bathroom and freshening up.

"I put your clothes today for school on your bed miss. Your father and step mother will be waiting for you downstairs in the dinning room." Rosaline said, as she called from my bathroom door.

"Alright, tell them it will only be a moment." I said, while rinsing my face.

"Yes I will." the maid bowed and soon left the room as she closed the door behind her.

I sighed and proceeded to bath.


After bathing, and changing into my usual clothes. Which was a lolita dress. I brushed my long lilac hair, and soon checked the mirror. And nodded at my appearance and soon went downstairs to the dining room.

As soon as I went downstairs, and to the dining room. I saw my father and my step mother on the other side of the table already eating.

"Good morning Father. Aunt Serena." I greeted formally.

"You're late." Aunt Serena said stonely. I stayed calm and bowed my head. "My apologies. It wont happen again." I replied, as i sat on the other chair. Distancing my self from them.

The silence in the huge dining room was quiet as usual. Nothing but the clanking of our silver wear on the plates as we eat.

"Nataline, I entrust you that after school you will head straight to the company department and give everything to the manager." My father said sternly.

I nodded, and swallowed my food.

"Yes father." I replied. My step mother or should i say aunt. Continued to eat. And she then spoke.

"Better not make the same tardiness and mistake Nataline. Its an improper  attitude for the next heir." She said in a posh tone.

I cringed a bit, remembering what happened last time. I bowed my head. "I'm sorry. I promise it wont happen again." I said.

They didnt answer, and they stayed silent.

And soon my father finished eating along with my step mother. And they head out to work. And once again just like every other morning. I was alone in the dining room.

What a way to start another day..


After the usual silent intimidation back in the mansion. It was time for me to go to school.

The driver had pulled up to the gates of my school. Since I'm in college, I have to walk going to the building.

The driver went out and he opened the door to let me out.

"We've arrived at your destination miss Nataline." He said.

I stepped out of the limousine, and got my stuff from him. "Thank you Arnold." I said.

"I'll be back around 4:00 after your student council meetings to go to the company." Arnold said. I smiled. "Atleast I have you to remind me."

He smiled and bowed. "Always a pleasure miss. Have a good day in school." And with that he soon left.

I turned and saw the gates of St Andrew Marguerite. And i inhaled a breath, and exhaled. And went in.

My name is Nataline Amity Louise. And this is my life.

Born and raised in the famous Louise family. I lived in a very comfortable life style. Well...not really all comfortable. As you have seen earlier.

Its like that everyday. Waking up and go dine with the two people who are really intimidating since my life had started.

I guess well...thats my fate..

"Nataline!" A voice had called out to interrupt my thoughts.

I turned and saw Wesley running up to me.

"Full of spirits as always..good morning to you too Wesley." I greeted him with my composed manner.

"Ah so prim and proper as always love." Wesley said  in his British accent. I rolled my eyes, and we continued walking.

Wesley Kington is my bestfriend. Hail from England. He's also as well in the same social status as me.

Yet on his case, it is very different from mine.

"Oh Nicholas is going to meet us soon after his detective training is finished. It will be good to see that old chap again." Wesley said.

I nodded. "Its been awhile. Yet I cant join you sadly." I sighed.

"What? Why not?" He asked.

"Father told me to stop by the report on the company building to the manager. I cant disappoint him again like the last time." I said, while shuddering as I remembered the other time when I was assigned to that. And I failed miserably.

Wesley sighed. "Blimey. Cant they just let you off for just even a day? I'm really concerned about you Nat." He said in a concerned tone.

I smiled at him and showed him my confident face. "I'm fine Wesley. Besides, I learned from my mistakes. And I'm sure nothing will happen. I'm a Louise after all." I said confidently.

Wesley smiled and closed his eyes, and let out a sigh. "I guess I'm underestimating your skills." He said.

I laughed. "Whatever Wes."

Then suddenly a group of girls came up to him and saying good morning to him. And giving him stuff like food and other things.

I forgot that he's popular with the ladies..

I rolled my eyes. And walked away. "See you at recess Wes!!" I called out. And soon I head to my class.

Yup it's going to be another long day. I sighed. And went.

Hey guys hope you like the intro. I'll update as soon as I can~!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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