Chapter 19

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Kabir walks out from car and opens door for me, I smile at him little confused why did he bring me here?

I didn't expect my first date here but still I am happy to be here, it is one of the most holy place. I always wanted to visit an orphanage and last year on my birthday I visited this same one.

We enter through gate, I read the name 'amcha ghar' it's written in Marathi, which means 'our home'.

As soon as we walk, I hear laughing sounds of children and soon see them too. They all are playing in hall.

Kabir asked me do I want to be with children or want to join him in office, I wanted to play but I also wanted to see what work he had here. So when we enter there. The caretaker greeted us and thanked Kabir for generous donation.

Later when we walked out after some paper work. Kabir said that we would have Lunch here with children and check was they were getting healthy food.

That time I came to know, how caring is my hubby can be?. We had lunch together with children, they were so adorable. After lunch I played with them Kabir too joined us when they asked him.

"Art is most natural way of relaxing even if you are not talented. If you enjoy painting, writing, drawing, singing, dancing whatever it is that will help you. Just enjoy it that's it you will feel relaxed" I say when a girl asked me what are the relaxing way are.

"Yeah, I love dancing" says Matt, he is eleven year's old.

"I love reading" says Sara, she is thirteen year's old and little mature for her age.

"I love singing" says Mia, with shy smile. She is twelve year's old a very shy girl.

I want to ask her for sing but I know she will shy and awkward. She needs to change little, shyness is not but too much is disadvantage.

We all are in their bedroom. Here I can see beds, double bed one is down one is up there is ladder for upper bed.

"I never painted" says sadly Golu, he is eight years and most playful child I have ever seen.

"I too" say many more children.

"Don't you learn here drawing, painting and all?" I ask them.

"Didi, we learn drawing, we do that but painting we never tried" she says sadly.

I look at Kabir after seeing their sad face, he is sitting beside me. he nods his head indicating green signal understanding my thought.
"Do you all wanna try it??" I ask them with big smile.

"Yes" they all shout in unions.

Kabir squeezes my hand before walking out.

Kabir messages me to come in hall with all of them after ten minutes. So for keeping them busy I tell them story.

"And Prince took her with him and they lived happily ever after" I say completing story.

"My prince will come just like Cinderellas' and will take me" says very happy Riya.

She is sitting beside me, I pull her on my lap and kiss her cheek "yeah, he will but you have to wait for him"

"Didi, did your Prince come or you are still waiting?" She asks very cutely, from her question I blush little and was about to reply when I here other child's voice.

"Of course Didi had found her Prince, what did you think about Kabir Bhaiya" Matt says smilingly to Riya.

His words make my face crimson. It's true he is my prince for whom I waited my whole life.

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