~Ch 2,story board?~

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~Mossfire POV~

       I woke up to my alarm jingling. I  quickly turned it off and started to get dressed silently,trying not to wake my stepdad Trevor,or he would beat me. And I couldn't  get beaten today, not before the first day of school! I finished getting ready and crept downstairs.'Please don't creak please don't make a sound!' I made it to the door with no interruptions and put on my headphones to walk down the road, when I came into view of the school I put my hood up and my head down I walked past the kids with snickers and whispers following I went into the school grateful I was the first one in,I walked to my locker and got my stuff for my next three hours,Art,choir, and math I finally got that stuff together the bell rang "Perfect just perfect," I said I ran to my art class and sat down and we got started

                                              *Time skip to music class because I can peoples!*

        I got to music and the teacher was talking already he stopped and looked at me "Your tardy Ms.Mossfire!," he said "sorry Mr.Sergent," I responded  "Its alright just sit down and pay attention!," he said winking at me,I always liked Mr.Sergent and he always was way nice to me. "We will be making story boards this week!" he boomed "You will add one song to it that you think describes you,you may work with a partner but if you do you must make a story board for them.That includes a song of coarse!" I didn't have any friends in this class so I just watched everybody else team up ,well everyone except Calem, my own personal bully. I grabbed a computer and started to look up my song ,it was easy to find but I loved it so much!  (A/N not telling you the song yet! hahaha!) I copied the song and saved it to my drive.Then I started to draw,pictures for my board obviously!I drew myself my real parent from when I was young,my old dog,my house,Minecraft stuff and a Youtube thing that stated how many subs I had:468,939 to be exact!Kinda a lot but nobody cared,I was a stupid emo nerd in their eyes,the bell rang and I gathered up my stuff, I could add color tomorrow.The day continued on I got beat up by Calem once but that was all,I wonder why,he always beats me a last four times a day but what ever!

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