Chapter 13

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Me and Kamryn were walking to school today, we were talking till I saw Niall.

"Hey babe!" I said


"What's wrong?"

"Ummm....I think we should break up!" Then he ran away.

I just stood there dumb founded.

"What..."I said sadly and started to cry.

"Why?" Tears started to pour. Me and Niall had been together for two years why all the sudden now? Kamryn was there she hear everything and was there comforting me and suddenly I wanted to go home.

"Hey Kamryn ..."


"I think I'm just going to go home." I said

" you want me to walk you home?"

"No it's fine we just got here and school will be starting soon anyways"

"Ok well just text me if you need anything ok?"

"Ok bye Kamryn " I said then started walking home when I ran in to Justin.


I was talking to my friends before school started. There was about five minutes till the bell rang so I started to go to class since it was on the other side of the school. Then I ran in to somebody it was Britney?

"Umm...hey what's up?" I said enthusiastically then she lifted her head up and he was crying? I wonder why I'll ask but before I could she ran out the front entrance. It was strange when I saw her cry I felt a sting in my heart and I felt bad. I'll ask Kamryn what happened at lunch I mean she would know right? After all they are best friends.


I had ran home crying. That was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. Why? Is all I could think did I do something wrong? No what could I have done? That reminds me I didn't do anything so why? Did he do something? All the sudden I got angry, what if he cheated on me?!?! So I did what every teenage girl did when she went through a heart break. I went to the kitchen then went in to the freezer and pulled out a tub of chocolate ice cream and went to my room. I don't know why I put myself through this, watching romantic love story's like the notebook, the titanic, and endless love.

"Ugh why can't I just be like Noah and Allie!" I yelled from in my room. When I ate about a quarter of the tub I decided to put it back. So I paused the movie went down stairs and but it in the freezer I went in to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror after I flushed the toilet, eww I had tear streaks down my cheeks, then right as I was about to walk up the stairs my mom walked through the door. She put her stuff down on the counter then realized I was standing there.

"What are you doing here aren't you supposed to be at school missy?"


"Well aren't you going to say something?" She asked me

Just then I burst into tears and fell on to my knees to the floor. My mom then rushed over to me and sat down and started to sooth me by rubbing my back, which it helped.

"Sweetie what happened?" My mom asked sincere.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" She said

"Ya it's just umm...Niall broke up with me and I have no idea why."

"O honey I'm so sorry to hear that. You know I remember when I went through my first heart break."

"Really?" I asked

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