Chapter 20

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We were in the closet now and it was just really awkward. We were just sitting in there I started of by asking

"Why did you run away and why where you crying?"

"I jus-" she sighed

"I honestly don't really know maybe because Ikindalikeyoubutyoudontfeelthesameway" she said really fast but I understood her perfectly

She likes me?

She was about to speak again but I cut her off by kissing her. At first you could tell she was shocked but then she relaxed and started kissing back. It got heated and her hands roam around in my shirt. I swipe my tongue across her bottom lip begging for entrance. She accepted. We were fighting for dominance but of course I won. Then all of the sudden the closet door flung open.

"Woah" Britney squeals covering her eyes me and Kamryn snapped apart giving each other worried glances then Britney ran away so it was just me and Kamryn again.

"We should probably go out there to see what Britney told Justin" Kamryn said

"Okay yeah your probably right" so we walked in to the living room and Justin speaks up

"So I heard you guys made up?" I turn to look at Kamryn she was blushing aww she looks so cute.

"Umm yeah I guess" I said turning to Kamryn

She said

"yes" quietly. From then on we decided to just watch scary movies and eat a bunch of junk food and the scary movies we great for me and probably Justin too because I had Kamryn snuggled up against me and Britney snuggled up against Justin. Wow I sound gay saying 'snuggled'. While we were watching our third scary movie is was 1:35 and my eyelids begin getting heavy before I fell asleep I was thinking this day turned out great the love of my life is back and she's in my arms and I'm never letting her go.


"As long as you love me we could be starving we could be homeless we could be bro-"

I woke up to Britney's alarm clock ringing and of course it was Justin's song playing as here wake up tune. I look around we (as in all four of us) fell asleep in Britney's bedroom. Britney and Justin were cuddling on her bed 'aww how cute' me and Harry were just sprawled out on the floor just then Harry woke up groaning so I threw a pillow at he and he sits up and says

"What was that for?"

"Shhh" I said putting my finger on his lips he gets up and just stares at them for a second not like in a creepy was like he was thinking.

Harrys voice suddenly brought me outta my thoughts

"We should take a picture of them and post in on twitter?"

"Yeah...but wait wouldn't that be bad for them because Justin being famous and all would get a lot of questions and Britney would get hate since his fans don't know there dating?"

"Well it's a little to late for that" he said showing me his phone it was a picture of them from right now and it was on his twitter.

"HARRY!" I yell at him then Britney and Justin wake up

"What are you two yelling about we are trying to sleep!" Justin said in his morning voice.

"Well Harry over here posted a picture of you to cuddling and posted it on twitter tagging you two in the photo check your phones you probably have the notifications" I said sure enough both of them check there phones and there eyes go wide Britney just sits thee while Justin and I yell at Harry I hear a faint 'stop' but I ignore it all of the sudden Britney yells

Which one? (One direction, emblem3, Justin Bieber, 5sos)Where stories live. Discover now