|| Prologue Part 1||

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*Five years ago*

(Kallista is 10; so is Yuri)

"Kallista, hurry up! Today is Kasmira's competition," my father yelled from downstairs.

I rubbed my eyes, and lazily grabbed my glasses from the little table next to my bed. I looked up to see the time. 10:39? Shit, my parents are going to kill me. They said if I held Kasmira back from anything again I'd be punished. I jumped up from my bed and picked out my outfit for the day. I didn't have much clothes; they saved money so they can get more for Kasmira's skating and everyday things. You could see that they favored me over her. I was getting used to that now, and I accepted it. She was an amazing person, and in the media's eyes she was a kind-hearted girl. I would go to her skating events pretending to be a friend; no one knew abut the twin sister of Kasmira Sambrana. Let me give you some background information about my family.

My mom and dad were regular everyday parents. They didn't have any special talents, just their business jobs. Decent amounts of money come from their jobs, and my father just got a promotion a week ago. He became a CEO of a big company in the Philippines, where I came from. Now, my twin sister is widely known right now. Yes, she's my twin. The only way you can distinguish us apart is that I have blue eyes, and she has green. I wear glasses when I go to competitions, so at least I look a bit different. My parents and Kasmira also call me Ashley whenever we go to competitions. For a 10 year old she is a really good skater. Don't get me wrong, she's very charming on the ice. She's making her junior debut next year, and I'm proud of her. She isn't the nicest person to me. My parents aren't either. I'm the untalented child of the family, or so they put it. I've always wanted to skate, but I never got to because they only want my sister to be in the spotlight.

I sighed. I should stop thinking that things will change right now. This could be my life until I'm 18, and my sister will continue on her skating career. Oh well, I'm just ten why am I thinking about this so suddenly? I grab my towel and clothes and head into the showers.

*Time Skip*

"Kallista! You're holding me back I need to get there earlier so I can practice. I heard Victor Nikiforov was going to be at the rink too! I need to meet him, and maybe he'll be my coach when I'm older as well," Kasmira bragged as I came down the stairs.

Just a typical day for me, I thought. I went down there to grab breakfast.

"Here Kallista. I made some pancakes in celebration of Kasmira! I can't believe it, she could win the gold medal!" My mother cheered in happiness.

"Aren't you excited for your sister?" my dad asked, giving me a glare.

"Y-yes, of course. She's amazing on the ice, one day I want to skate like she does," I commented happily.

Wait...I said too much. I wasn't supposed to say I wanted to skate like her, Kallista why do you do this to yourself. They're going to be so mad! I cowered in fear and put my hand over my mouth. My sister just sat there, then laughed.

"You? Be as good as me one day? Kallista, I didn't know you were funny, maybe you should be a comedian when you grow up! No one else in this family is going to be a skater except for me, and me only. Even if you tried to become a professional like me, I doubt it would even work out! Mom and dad, can I talk to Kallista alone...I want to ask her about some things for later," Kasmira chuckled.

"Yeah sure, we're just going to pack up our bags. We'll talk to you at the skating arena, Kallista," My parents replied as they finished their breakfast and walked out.

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