Chapter 1: Five Years later

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(Yuri is 15, so is Kallista)

Five Years Later:

The day I told my mother I wanted to live with my aunt took a lot of courage. I didn't think she would let me, I thought she would get mad and never let me out of the house again. On the other hand, she happily let me leave to my aunt (her sister). I couldn't be anymore excited than this. Then I realized the other meet up I had with Yuri at the skating competition. I don't remember it as much anymore; I locked the memory away to keep me away from getting hurt. I didn't want to be hurt by leaving Yuri, even if we were just ten years old. I wanted to see him again, but I knew in order to fulfill my dream is to go with my Aunt. Something strange happened that day and just seeing him skate by himself...that's all I remember. I don't remember what  we talked about. It was something important that's for sure. This whole memory was too intricate. I can't seem to put all the pieces together and figure out what happened. I never dared to check on how Yuri was doing, I didn't want to see cause' I knew he was just fine. 

I would hear about Kasmira around on the news and such. She was doing really good. This year would be her senior year; and it would be mine as well. I would be going to short competitions, and big ones as well. I tried to avoid her as much as possible. My temporary coach and I would try to figure out how to go to different cities, and countries than she's going to. I've won some gold in my time, and I didn't think I would get here.

I was friends with Abigail, and she isn't anything what Kasmira has told me five years ago. I bumped into her in the airport and she asked for my number. I gave her it happily, and we would facetime every night ever since then. I haven't seen her in person since last year, and she has grown up. She has light brown hair and brown eyes, and she has the face and personality of a child whenever she's with me. I was her best friend, since she started skating early and hasn't had many friends she could trust along the way. We would talk about girl things, and she would bring up Yuri every now and then. She would also talk about encountering my sister in competitions; it seems she has gotten worse over the years now. 

My aunt was kindhearted, and when I left five years ago that was the first time I actually met her. She was an amazing ballet teacher and dance coach; I'm also very talented in dancing. I do jazz, tap, contemporary, ballet, modern, pointe, and lyrical. Though, her training has been hard throughout the last five years. In order to get where I am I had to undergo massive training sessions and ice skating lessons with my coach. 

This year is going to change everything; Victor is finally going to become my coach. I was excited, but yet nervous. What if I'm not good enough, or trained enough for him to be my coach? I can do a triple axle perfectly, but if he watches me I might as well mess up the whole routine. I've seen his performances; I'll never be able to be his student. The way he performs is magical; I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. I've worked hard for this, so maybe I am ready. 

I currently live in Moscow, Russia. I've had to take many precautions though. I changed my name to Kaarina. No one except for my aunt and my coach know that's me. I wear fake glasses and brown eye contacts as a disguise. I always wear my hair up when I'm outside too.

"Kallista get your skates on, someone is coming to visit the rink today! We also need to start training and finding out your theme for the year!" My coach, Emily yelled excitedly.

I sighed, and placed my bag into the locker room. I took my white skates out of my gym bag, and put them on. There isn't really anyone who uses this rink; my aunt lives in a smaller town with people who aren't as interested in ice skating. That has changed about, ever since I came here but it isn't hyped up. The area was quite beautiful too, but rather cold. It's Russia, what can you expect?

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