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"Holy shit, jou look so good

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"Holy shit, jou look so good."
It hadn't dawned on Matthew that Gilbert had never seen him in anything other than sweaters, jeans, and pyjamas. But now he was wearing a collared shirt and black dress pants. Plus he had actually combed his hair for once.
"Uh...Thanks. You too." Gilbert's outfit was composed of a black dress shirt with his cross necklace poking out of his collar and jeans...nice jeans...ass cradling jeans.
"Ready to go?"
"Is Lars here yet?"
"I am." Lars appeared out of nowhere like some kind of spoopy pot ghost. "Where's Peter."
"I'm HEEEEEEEERE!" Peter cheered. "We're gonna watch movies tonight! On the big screen."
"You're going to the theatre?" Matthew asked Lars.
"You're like a divorced dad trying to win the kids over when you get them for once."
"The child support is going to be late this week."
"Tell that to the court."
"Guuuuys! Can ve go?! I vant to drink!"
"Ja. Get in the car."
"Yaaaaaaay! Movies!"
"Now I kinda want to go to the movies..." Matthew lifted Peter onto his back.
"I'll take you next Tuesday." Lars promised.
"That's cheap day you stingy penny pincher." Matthew huffed. "I'm a princess and deserve the best."
"Friday it is."
"No way. Friday is so crowded."
"There is no pleasing you."
"It's because he's a princess." Gilbert smirked slipping his arm over Matthew's shoulder. He leaned in closely so he could whisper in the Canadian's ear. "I'll treat jou like one if jou vant."
Matthew smirked. "Sorry Lars. I have a new sugar daddy."
"Darn." The four of them got into the car, Matthew and Peter in the back seat and Gilbert and Lars in the front. They drove for a little while, enjoying the Douwe Bob songs playing on the radio in silence.
The car pulled into an unfamiliar house and Lars turned it off. "Do you need me to stop in for a few seconds?"
"We should be fine." Matthew unbuckled his seatbelt and reached over to ruffle Peter's hair. "You be good. And don't con Lars into buying extra popcorn."
"But I want extra popcorn!"
"You're not getting extra popcorn."
"No fair!"
"Have fun."
"Don't get too drunk. You still owe me three pages."
"Yeah, yeah."
"I'll keep an eye on him!" Gilbert promised.
"You'll just get him more drunk!"
"Yep! Have a good night!"
"Tot ziens. Call if you need anything."
"Bye!" Matthew and Gilbert waved at the two in the car as they walked toward the front doors of the house. They couldn't hear music which meant this party was a shit show.
"I really hope this isn't a stuffed shirts type of thing. I just wanna get waisted and play beer pong."
"If zhis is boring, ve can smuggle beer out und hang out by zhe corner store I saw on zhe vay here."
"Sounds like a plan."
Gilbert seemed like the type who could be a good time.
"How much does it take you to get drunk."
"Don't get drunk on beer."
"You get so sick. Get drunk on vodka."
"Jou're not mein friend anymore."
Matthew laughed. "It's stronger than beer."
"Beer is so much better."
"I'm getting drunk on whatever they have."
"Vhatever floats jour boat, I guess." Gilbert put his arm over Matthew's shoulders, knocking on the door. "Now let's get zhis party started!"

Naw I'm kidding.
Or am I?

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