Chapter 7

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All suited up and ready to go, I was about to head out on my very first mission. This one was a bit of a "warm-up" mission, but whatever, i was just excited to finally get out and do some real killing. The job was simple: me and the Doc were paired up, and we were to ambush a patrol route of Talon forces before they discovered our facility. We'd had a slight cloaking device set up before, but it was beginning to fail on us. So I was to take a position up in the surrounding treeline and Doc would go down and do the talking. If he couldn't send the soldiers away, my job was a sweep and clean, low noise. As I gathered up my machete, throwing knives, and a silenced m1911, I headed out the door to meet up with the Doc. As we walked along the forest floor, I couldn't help but notice him gaze over every now and then, as if to begin a sentence but then fall short. Finally the suspense was killing me, so I decided to break the ice. "So, do you um... like doing medical stuff?" Good god Christian, get yourself together. What kind of a pickup was that? He seemed to giggle a bit at my awkwardness, so that was a good start. "Well yea, it's always been a love of mine. I like knowing that no matter how gruesome and bloody war can get, I can always be there to make things all better again, you know? Plus it gives me ideas for new tactics of killing these sons-a-bitches." He seemed to grow more excited the longer he talked. It was nice, seeing how even after everything that's going on in life these days, someone can still find joy in the things they do. His smile was contagious, leaving me forcing back a slight grin as well. After about half an hour, we finally reached our objective point. I climbed upp a tall tree, but one that could still give me a clear line of sight. Doc took up his spot on the side of the road. When the patrol group arrived, they were much larger than expected. I had hoped for maybe like five or six men, not almost twenty! Doc seemed a bit nervous, but a deep breath and puffing of his chest made him seem more confident.I couldn't quite make out what he'd been saying to the men, but it was obviously not taking much effect on them. Readying my blade, I waited for the signal. After a few more futile attempts of convincing the soldiers to leave, the Doc nodded slightly in my direction. Game time. Building up my dark energy, I shot myself forward, straight into the middle of their group. A swift swing took off the head of one and tore another's arm from their body. Rolling right to avoid a lunge, I bounced back and thrusted my sword through his chest. At this, Doc began to open fire with his smg. All around me bodies were falling, but i didn't stop swinging until the movement stopped. That is, until a bullet hit me directly in the chest, sending me to the ground. I tried to get up, but I couldn't. I gave up and collapsed.

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