The Scorpion Ritual

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The Scorpion tail ritual is a dark and possibly dangerous ritual that is said, in some cultures, to bring back the dead.


Please note that this ritual may fail and if it does, then the revival will be unsuccessful and the ritual must be repeated (Do know that you will have to do this ritual within a week of the death of the person, so if you dawdle then you may not have time. Also, note that if you live in a certain part of the world, scorpions may be difficult to obtain. There are no exceptions. (Also note that the scorpion must be alive or the ritual will not work.)


1 Body (The body must be not be embalmed. If possible, steal it before burial services are attempted, or better, kill it yourself.)

1 Large Scorpion (Any from the Buthidae genus will work. The reason that a large scorpion is required is not due to the venom, but due to the stinger's function.)

1 bottle of Acid (Anything with a PH under 3. It should be noted that if the acid is too strong, it may burn through the body or harm you.)

1 Alcoholic beverage (This is used to both counteract the acid and as a drink. If you are underage or refuse to drink, then you do not have to drink any, however you should still bring the beverage.)

1 Gallon jug full of any flammable liquid (Note: the liquid should NOT be explosive. If it is, then there is a very high chance of your death. The jug may be a simple milk jug, or a designated jug for the liquid. The exact amount doesn't matter, but you should only take one container.)

Primitive lighting method (Flint and Steel, fire drill, or anything that does not involve an advanced lighting method. Matches are not allowed.)

1 Spear (This can be flint, stone, or simply sharpened wood. You must make it yourself. This will not only be for self-defense, but for the ritual. You may not use iron or any metal. Wrapping the spear in a flammable object is allowed, but it may bring more problems than it solves.)

[Optional] Tinder (The fire will be hard to light with such primitive methods. Black powder, dried leaves, or anything will work. There are no limitations. Be sure to use all of it, and remember that nothing electric can be used.)

[Optional] Torch/lantern (You may use an oil lantern to find your way around in the dark. Electric lanterns or flashlights are not allowed. The oil can also be used as tinder, but the lantern cannot light the fire.)


ANYTHING that runs on electricity is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN when doing this ritual. All phones, electronic devices, flashlights, or any other machine will not work. This includes cars. Anything running on that is inside the 1 mile radius of the ritual can make the ritual invalid. This means that doing this near a house will likely make the ritual impossible. However, an abandoned farm house may make a great place, but it must have ZERO electronic appliances. Gas may work, however there have been cases where it doesn't. This still applies even if the appliances are useless.

You may, however, keep a car outside of the radius in case something does go wrong, allowing you instant escape.

As many people as you like may watch the ritual, however, only one person may stand inside the ring of fire and DO the ritual. Also, the more people who watch the ritual, the more who may be in danger if it is done incorrectly. All watchers must follow the rules of the ritual, which means no cellular or electronic devices for them either. Extra weapons are not allowed for you or anyone assisting you in the ritual. Only one person may have the spear and nothing else may be used. Makeshift items, such as sticks, rocks, or branches that you find WITHIN the mile radius may be used in a pinch.

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