She Came Home

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*Gibbs' POV*

When Abby brought Violet up and introduced her, I remembered her immediately from Abby's first week at NCIS. Birth mother died when she was born, father was killed when she was seven. She's Kelly's age. They were good friends until Violet was put into a foster home and Kelly died. 

I gave her the stuffed wolf before she went into foster care. It was one of Kelly's favorites, but Kelly insisted that I give it to Violet, which was exactly what I did. She turned to face me and started analyzing me, having recognized me. When she looked me in the eye, she fell backwards into Abby, who sat her on the floor as her eyes glazed over in a flashback. 

When she finally came to, she stood up. "Jethro! May I?" she signed. I nodded and opened my arms. She flew into my embrace, neither of us wanting to let go. "I thought I'd never see you again, kid." I whispered into her ear. Her grip tightened slightly before she turned away from me. "Gail!" She signed and they ran into each others' arms and held on tight. 

When she was here at NCIS the first time, she grew extremely close to me, Ducky, and Abby. She spent every minute she was here with me in either Abby's lab, Autopsy, or up here with me and the old crew. Abby then brought her downstairs after explaining all of that to Tony, Ziva, and McGee. As Abby dragged her though, I couldn't help but notice the look of pain in her facial expression. She was also mute. I sighed. She must've been abused by her adoptive parents. I'll have to ask her when I get the chance.

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