Chapter 2

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"Aikatsu" we all yelled determined. Today we're going to have a big day. First Mahiru will show us three dress options for the performance. Then we have to ask if its ok, after that the day is full of training.

We stopped at a bench to catch our breath. "I think I'm going to continue on" I said before running off. I heard the girls call after me but in the end didn't follow.

I was so focased. My voice booming  with each step I took. A steady beat ringing in my ears. I almost felt... Free.

Not a worry in the world. I felt free. Like I could fly right then and there.

I was so consomed I almost never noticed another ones step adding to the beat in my ear. I smiled, it was probably Laura.

My assumption was proven incorrect when I saw Subaru~kun running a bit ahead of me. I sped up. We did this until Subrua came to a haulting stop. I ended up running into a wall. Yey.

I fell back onto the stone floor. After looking up I saw Subaru~kun towering over me.

I felt my cheeks heat up in furry. "Hello Tomato." I jumped to my feet. "Stop calling me that!" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Okay Boiled Octopus" I Pouted, glarring at Sabaru~kun. He grinned, his cheeks hinting a light shade of red. I smiled to myself.

"Boiled Octopus." He covered his face and stepped back. I smiled and ran off to my friends.

The girls had already gotten something to eat. We sat on the second floor next to the glass fence. I grabbed one of Laura's dough ball. She glared but didn't say anything.

"Yume~Chan where were you?" Mahiru asked after swallowing a bite from her chocolate dounut.

I giggled, then spoke without thinking. "Running into a wall with Subaru~kun." I said normally.

Next think I know is there is a hissing sound and my chair is on the floor.

"Nya!" Ako~chan huffed and walked away. Her steps were hard on the wooden floor.

I struggled to stand up fixing my chair. "Owche" was all I could really say.

Laura looked at me. "Why were you with Subaru~kun?" She asked simply.  "I was running then he started running faster then I ran faster..  Into a wall." I cringed a bit.

Mahiru giggled taking another bite of her chocolate dounut. "Ako~chan is such an open book" Larua sighed also stuffing a dough ball in her mouth. I sat there worried, did I ruin our friendship?

"Oh, Yume~chan. We switched up our plans, first we go to Anna~Sensei to make sure we can do the show on the beach. Then we can go make our dresses!" I nodded, my mind still worrying about Ako~chan...

After Breakfast

We are now heading to Anna~Sensei, she should be inside class. Today we have no classes but where else could she be?

Everywhere maybe?

Sigh. We haven't seen Ako~chan lately but... Sigh.

"Yume! Don't be so gloomy! You are Nijino Yume! Be joyful!" I though to myself.

A smile made its way to my face after that little pep talk!

"Guys!!" That voice was similar. We all turned around to find Ako~chan running after us. I smiled brighter.

She stooped a little in front of us. After catching her breath Ako~chan spoke cheerfully. "I just talked to Anna~Sensei! She said yes, but....... It has to be a completely new song." I sighed a little disapointed. But looking over at my friends made me want to not be disappointed at all!

Larua had that confident smile and Mahiru was full of joy. Wait. Wait! She pulled out her stone slabs setting them on the ground. Only to send them everywhere with a single slice of her hand.

Every time she did that it put me a little on edge.... "Yes!!" Mahiru cheered. She's happy? Ok then...

After that odd insident... And after dress make because I'm like so mean and don't wanna tell you what the dress looks like.

Laura's P.O.V.

"Aikatsu!" I said with each sit up. Yume held my feet down only making it more difficult. Ugh! "Aikatsu!"

Ako~chan and Mahiru~chan are off getting refreshments. "A~ikatsu!" I fell back onto the grass. Taking deep breaths.

"You can do it Luara! You're almost at 100 just seven to go!"

Seven! I can do seven! "Aikatsu!" I steddied my breath. "Aikatsu!" This time as I fell back I dipped some sweat off mumy forehead. "Aikatsu!" I fell back Again, trying to keep my huffs at bay.

"Four more!" I tilting my head up to see Yume looking cheerful. After noticing my gaze she smiled brighter.

My rival.. She's changed so much.. But I won't lose to her!

I did the next four in a rush. Yume jumped up grabbing my hands to pull me up. "Yey! Okay now time for me to do my 100 sit ups!" I sighed not really wanting to hold her feet down....

But I did anyway.

After Yume's 100 sit ups

"Where is Ako~chan and Mahiru~chan?" I asked Yume. We're now sitting down on the track talking.

"How would I know?" Yume asked back. "It's not good to answer a question back with a question" The similar voice came from behind us.

Yume groaned and fell back. She crossed her arms over her chest. "Hello Subaru~kun." We said in unison though I was a bit more cheerful.

"What are you doing here?" I asked politely.

Subaru~kun pulled the rag that was of this neck off, tossing it with his hands. "M4 is coming to work out. Our work out is probably to difficult for little Tomato though." He chuckled.

Looking down at Yume I saw her face gumming with anger. She hopped up quickly. "Don't call me that! I have a name! It's Nijino Yume! Get it in your thick skull!" Yume pouted.

"I think boiled Octopus fits you better. Or Tomato. What do you think?" He guestured his hand at me. "Hmm. Yume is Yume." I said strongly.

Subaru frowned at me which I took as a good thing.

" Also. I pretty sure your little work out is so easy!" Yume boasted. I sighed. She is probably right though.. Heh... That rock paper scissors shoot thing took all day..

( reference to episode 43)

"Oh, really. Why not on our beach vacation you guys come with us and you'll be surprised!" Subaru~kun but the rag around his neck again.

"Wait. When do we leave?" I asked finally standing up. Today was Thursday. "Monday" Subaru~kun answered simply.

"Wait! Oh no! Monday! But we haven't figured out what day our live is! Where is Ako~chan and Mahiru~chan! Ugh!" Yume ran off the court, I Followed leaving Subaru~kun behind.

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