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My neighbours have all started working: one a policewoman and another a bus driver. They seemed to embrace their new responsibility and were very proud of their contribution to the country. The fact that I had the chance to indirectly help Chris made me glad. This was our war and as citizens it was our responsibility to contribute and help the land that raised us into the beings we were. When the time comes, our child will be born here, educated here and settle with a beautiful wife, meanwhile, Chris and I will live our lives here in each other's arms.

The doorbell rang, it was Millie, Sergeant Horlock's wife, with a basket of fruits and a jar of honey.

"I brought you as much as I could, they're going to ration the foods and I was afraid that in your pregnancy you would be unfit to join in the purge that was going down the supermarket."

Millie was a kind but talkative woman, who volunteered to help me whenever she could.

"Oh my, Sumon. Have you heard about the news? Claudia got a new job at the munitions factory. Oh, and also, you know that application I sent? Well, I got accepted! Unfortunately, I will not have time every day to help you as often but I will try!"

And with that, she left me pondering about the job. Should I apply for one? In my pregnancy, will I be able to handle it? Who am I, a woman, one of the weaker sex, to take the job of a man? But for the good of my James' future, I must take this job.

Later that day, I received a letter from the postman. I was very eager to read it as it was from Chris:

Dear Sumon,

It is all good here in the trenches and I have been placed in the same unit as my best friend, Jasper, you may recall meeting him at Millie and Aaron's wedding. We are determined to win this war. Anyway, how are you and Emily? Make sure to never skip your meals and do not worry about me. We don't want our Emily to be sad now, do we? I miss you.

Take care, my love.

Your Chris.

Take Care, My Love.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें