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 "Hey Nyla, how is little Jeremy doing?" the parents of my new patient asked. "He is a true fighter, I believe he gets that from you Mr. Wilson" I responded to the happily married couple as I led them to their 2 week old pre-mature boy. There was a high chance of the little angel not making it, but as a nurse I spent a lot of time in my neo-natal unit. Doctors don't spend as much time as nurses when it comes to the patients. We spend more time studying our patients than they do. Knowing best of what they do or don't react to. "When will we be able to take him home?" Mrs. Wilson asked while still smiling at my comment. I remember her husband being treated at the hospital before as well. He was a pretty obese man but after his stroke he seemed to have a wakeup call.

"In two more days you can take him home" I told her proudly. I was happy for them finally being able to take their little boy home. Although having this job I am able to push my emotions aside and stay calm. There are always certain moments where I deeply feel for the families I come in contact with.

I led the couple towards their son. Mrs. Wilson began the water works, she always gets a little emotional. Although this time I'm sure she was crying tears of joy. "Hey little man, I cannot wait to show you your room and all your toys, your siblings are going to love you!" She cooed at her baby. Mr. Wilson did the usual and stood by watching his wife have a moment with their son. I stepped away allowing them privacy as always.

As I walked towards my desk I looked at the other children, checking on them and making sure I didn't miss anything with the new babies. Its harder to be around the ones that have more severe cases than being premature.

"Hey lady!" my co-worker said as she slid me a sub from subway. I smiled at her generous act and gave her a small hug."Thank you Candice" I did not think I would be able to get any real food today since a lot of things have been happening in my unit. I don't know what is going on with the world but the parents are getting younger and the babies are more at risk. Drugs and pregnancy don't mix. "No problem, so what do you need to me to do boss lady?"

"Can you make sure that the Wilson's get everything they need, I will only be gone for four days but I promise you can still reach me on my cell, " I instructed her as I unwrapped my sub. I was so happy because as I inspected the bag she also got me an Arizona fruit punch drink and lays barbeque chips. I really have to get this girl a gift. I took a bite out of my sub and finished speaking while covering my mouth with a napkin. "their son will be released in two days, but little Brooke over there please make sure you stress to her parents that they need to make a decision on the surgery, I know they are afraid but please let them know of their other options" Candice nodded as I finished speaking, letting me know that she was listening and will handle things while I'm gone.

Ever since I have been at this hospital I have never taken a day off and now this year I don't have a choice but to take a break. My closest friends have made it very clear that will kidnap me in the middle of my work day if I don't spend time with them. I don't blame them though. I tied myself so deep in work because of a break up. Some people stay home and cry wondering what went wrong. Some people go out turn up and find someone else to forget about it. Others work. Then you have me. I do all the above and then some.

Glancing at the clock I noticed that it was 7:30 p.m. I had been working since 4:00 a.m. and I did not feel at all tired. However it was time for me to clock out and head home. "Boss lady, you have to bounce, I got this!" Candice said as she hugged me good bye. I laughed at her and nodded my head "I'll be checking on you!"I said to her as I made my way to my office to retrieve my car keys and cellular device. I always keep my personal phone off whenever I'm at work but my work phone stays on my hip for emergencies. As soon as I turned my phone on while walking down the hall towards the elevator there were multiple notifications that popped up on my screen. Most of them came from the group chat I was in with my friends. One chat was all boys consisting of my best friend male friends by the names of Algee, Luke, and Woody. I had met them through my childhood friends, Lee and Nay. They worked on the set of the New Edition movie and one day when I stopped by along with my closest friend Ajile' to be nosey they introduced us to them. From there we all decided to hang out after they finished a scene and the rest is history.

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