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My friends and I along with a few other people were currently sitting around at Algee's home. Talking trash and drinking. "Man what is the news! Folks got shit to do" Elijah said causing everyone to laugh. "I got the part! I'm going to be in a new movie" Algee exclaimed. Everyone cheered and clinked glasses with him. I was happy for him, getting more and more famous each day.

Around 2:00 a.m. the little get together was finally wrapping up. Algee brought me here but he seemed to tired and a little tipsy to even take me back home. Woody offered to take me and Ajile' home since he left his car here when he rode with Algee to get us. I went ahead and thanked him and hopped in the car. After we dropped off Ajile' we made it to my place and sat in the parking lot of my apartment complex talking trash. "Man did you see the way Ajile' and Algee was looking at each other, My guy im talking heart eyes!"

"Man," I laughed "I peeped, you know I see everything but Algee and Ajile so damn slick like they keep that poker face on, I respect it though, don't want no one in their business, if they even have any"

"Well I need some business, hook me up though,"

I side eyed him laughing at his goofy grin. I laughed even harder when he already had my friends social media page pulled up on who he wanted. "Bruh you bugging!" I laughed as I picked up my bag from the passenger seat floor and took my keys out. "Don't play" he stale faced me then we both started laughing. "I'll think about it" I hugged him then exited the car and stepped up to my room. Once I was safely in, I locked the door and tossed my keys on the couch. I stripped into my underwear and curled in a ball on my sofa, staring at the TV until I could fall asleep.

My alarm went off at 3:00 a.m. I mentally cursed myself out for forgetting that I was off work for a few days. I turned the alarm off and went to my bed room to continue my comfy sleeping.

It was ten in the morning when I awoke again. Since I didn't have to eat and go I decided to cook. I made pancakes bacon and fruit salad. My breakfast doesn't usually consist of much because I strongly dislike eggs and sausage. I was trying to that thing that humans call relaxing. However I did not feel right just sitting in my living room eating while watching cartoons. Don't get me wrong this is something I consider fun but I'm so used to working that I feel like that's what I should be doing, working, not at my home.

My door was being unlocked and I threw my head back in frustration. "Nyla!" Renee' exclaimed as she plopped down beside me. "What you getting into today?" she asked while stealing bacon off my plate. Yea her and woody would be great together . "I was just going to –" I started to say.

"come with me, yea you right, go get dressed"

She took my plate from my hands and all I could do was shake my head. There was no arguing with her.

I went ahead and got ready, letting my friend finish off my plate. I grabbed my phone and keys while Renee' placed the dish in the sink and we headed out. We ended up at the mall just walking around trying free samples and buying small items. Even though we both had well paying jobs we were still cautious on spending our money.

"Oh we got to buy a bathing suit!" Renee' randomly exclaimed as she finished off her fries and milk shake from Chic-Fil-A. "Why? You know I don't like bathing suits" I responded as I dipped my fry in the simple vanilla milk shake. "Because we didn't have you take days off for no reason" she responded in a 'duh' tone.

There was again no reason to argue with her she was right, I did not take 4 days off for nothing. "get a two piece too" she said as we packed up our food to place in the garbage. I didn't care what she said a one piece was what I was getting, hell my money anyway.

Renee' and I were searching through the racks for a swim suit. I actually saw a two piece that I liked but I wasn't sure if I would be comfortable wearing it unless I was alone. "Get it Nyla, just wear some shorts or a long t-shirt over alright?" Renee' suggested. I guess she saw me staring at the two piece. I went ahead and took her advice. Grabbing the bikini off the rack I tried it on and liked what I saw. At least somewhat. I didn't like the stretch marks on my behind or the obvious uneven parts of my hips and shoulders. Then again I will be surrounded by friends, true friends so this shouldn't bother me. I shrugged and bought the bikini.

Renee' brought me back home to pack some clothes and get ready for my 3 days of friends and fun. Apparently Luke had a nice place with enough space and rooms for everyone. A pool in the back yard with a Jacuzzi built into it, a pool house, nothing but space for fun and relaxation.

Once we made it to Luke's place I saw other cars already there. I pulled down my shorts a little. I had on my bikini under some shorts and a white-T. We were about to knock on the door but before we could woody snatched the door opened. "Hello Ny-"he looked over at Renee' before he could finish his sentence. She went ahead and wore her bikini top but her bottoms were covered up with shorts also. Woody pretended he was wiping drool off of his face.

 He playfully mashed my head to the side, I pushed him back and Renee' mashed him back. "Did not have to hit my friend" she said between laughter. "She alright, but you do" he licked his lips 3 times in a row and clasped his hands together. Renee' was hysterical she secretly loved his goofiness. Little did he know he met his match in that department.

I left them to playfully flirt and made my way in the house. I saw Luke in his own little world dancing to Michael Jackson's song beat it. I slid next to him and kicked my foot in the air, doing Michael's signature move. Luke saw me and burst out laughing. I tried to moonwalk too but failed miserably while Luke's smooth ass glided on the floor like we was at golden glide wearing skates. The song ended and we hugged I thanked him for inviting me. "You're family, plus we all been busy we need this break" Luke responded. He was right though, everyone been doing their own thing, keeping their lives together.

"Yo!" I heard a loud voice say.

"My boy!" Luke responded as he let me go and walked over to a tall man that I believe to be Keith and another guy that I knew was Elijah Kelly since I fell in love with Hairspray. Not like I was star struck I mean hell I'm friends with stars but Elijah was someone I always wanted to hug and hang with. Have singing competitions, yea I know, odd right?

"I don't think you two have met Nyla, she is one of the girls ya'll didn't get to meet on set, she left early" Luke introduced me.

I extended my hand to the two of them. Algee walked by and smacked my hand out the way. "Don't try that polite shit, we know you low key mean" he playfully mean mugged me. I tried to trip him up as he walked b. when I failed he stuck his tongue out so In return I threw up my middle finger. I turned back and Elijah and Keith was laughing at us.

"We are definitely going to get along" I heard Keith say, Elijah agreed with his statement by nodding his head trying to control his laughter. 

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