Chapter 1 - The Blossoming of a Real Truelove

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Kiyler's P

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Kiyler's P.O.V

It was the first day of school. I was on my way to my class when I accidently bumped into my crush... Lenny. He fell on top of me.

"L-Lenny!" I gasped, blushing as red as my burning passion to kill all jews

He was speechless, I was staring at his hot ass face until this thicc Itallian interupted my staring. It was Big Thicc Nickolas. I can't lie, he's a hot mama, but he's not for me.

"Hey, Lenster, get off this fine wo man," Nick spoke, helping me up. "What a dick amirite, Kiylers."

"what the frick, you zooternozzle" I said while walking to my next class.

I got to first period, science, and I sat in the back doodling some furry shit and i heard someone take a seat next to me. I looked up and saw...

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