CHAPTER 1 (the surprise)

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One day Brian came back from mystic hills high school . He had brown hair , brow eyes , cute face , and a really sweet personality. He came as fast as  he could on his bike from school but at the front of his house were two people who he hated and that hated him Jacob and Aiden.

"Hi Brian" said Jacob 

"yeah hi loser" said Aiden

"just leave me alone!" exclaimed Brian

" Don't worry Brian were only gonna copy a game from your pen." said Jacob

"I't took me three weeks to get that game!" yelled Brian 

"And it took me only three seconds. " said Jacob

"bye loser!" shouted Aiden from a long distance as the took of on there floating bicycle.

Suddenly Brian ran to his computer to help his team on FOF (Fields Of Fire). As soon as he joined he started to get to get to his team mates but during the way there were enemy's from the red team Mexico. To get past them he had to shoot them on one side and throw a grenade on the other.


Whilst that was happening the law was on a show called 'The Lawrence Pemberton show' and he joined on the same server as Brian  but he was on the red team. Unluckily for Brian's team The law is one of the best players in Fields Of Fire. He killed everyone on Brian's team but then he saw Brian  but Brian was 'AFK' (Away from Keyboard). So he decided to put a grenade on his head have ten steps back point his golden eagle at him and...


Brian came running up the stairs and saw him pointing his Pistol at him. So he quickly, put his head backwards and with the tip of his rifle he hit the grenade  towards the law and...

The Law's P.O.V

He suddenly shot the bullet out of it and without warning he saw the grenade flying towards him. 

The bullet's P.O.V

I suddenly hit the grenade and exploded  

R.I.P bullet

The Law's P.O.V

The explosion came nearer and nearer to me. Suddenly, I felt my body burning then i saw a bullet come closer to me next thing I saw was blackness.

This time on pwnzne The law got killed live on Fields Of Fire  by Brian D. Here he is now live receiving the letter to come to VGHS 

"So how does it feel to enter VGHS."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will be uploading a chapter everyday. Hope you leave a like or vote . Bye

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