The day he went to vghs

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Brians POV

 when I got there I had butterflies in my tummy because I was sitting in front of the desk with my headmaster Calhoun.  Next to me was a girl named Ki Swan who was making a game about Calhoun and me,  she showed us it but then I was disappointed because all that happened was me punching him weakly but I also noticed that I didn't even touch him.  then when she pressed the button for him to do the same to me he managed to get me on the floor. Then Calhoun said to us in a stern voice " Now go to Jenny Matrix the girl outside the girl with blue eyes and blonde hair she's going to show you when your rooms are. Now go!" Ki and I ran down to her before we faced more of his shouting. Then just because that happened I remembered the theme tune of the fresh prince when he said ' like lightning disappear' what a show.  

Jenny's POV

I managed to take a small sip of my monster before we started to disarm the bomb. Then I disarmed the bomb I managed to do it first and my opponent was blown up. Then I saw Brian D  standing there with Ki.

Narrator's POV

the only reason Jenny knows Brian and Ki is because when they were small there parents used to know each other and they used to hang out in the street outside their houses. They were really good friends back in the day but they stopped talking because they had to go into their own paths and because of that they never talked until now.

The End Of Chapter Two


Hope you enjoyed This Chapter.

In the next chapter you will meet some new characters.

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