Chapter 11 - Why me?

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Amys POV.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. 

Is that my phone i thought to myself. I looked over at the clock on my bed side cabinet. It was 4am. I picked my phone up. The caller ID said unknown. Who could this possibly be? I hesitated and answered it.

"Hello? Is this Ms Amy Dickson?" The voice spoke. I got worried. None has ever called me this.

"Erm yes. Who is this may i ask?"I spoke trying not to sound too tired. I always did a little posh voice when i was on the phone to people i didn't know.

"This is Nurse Paula Jackson. We have your mother here. She has been in a horrific car crash. I'm afraid she might not make the night. Could you possibly make you way in?" The voice concerned. My heart stopped. I froze. I didn't know what to do. This was the last time i could see my mum. 

"Ms Dickson? Are you there?" She spoke i could hear the sympathy in her voice.

"I... Erm yeah... Is...She... Erm conscious?" I mumbled if i spoke any louder i would have cried.

The women sighed. "Could you please come in. We can talk more about your mothers condition when you are here" 

"Yes. OK. Goodbye" I put the phone down. I rushed around my bed room looking for clothes.

"Alex!! Alex!!! ALEX!!!!" I fell to floor. I couldn't do this. Everything was slipping away from me. I cried and cried and cried. I felt Alex's arms around me.

"Whats up? Why are you crying? Why are you looking for clothes?" He has concern in his voice. I turned my to him 

"Its mum.... We.. We need... To go.... To the....Hospital" I cried sobs between every other word. He hugged me tighter. 

"Ok. Ill get dressed and call a taxi" He said as he rose from the ground next to me. We both got ready and waited for the taxi. 

I had forgotten everything about what had happened to day when i went sleep and then this. I hated it so much. All my memories of death in the past had came back. My grandma was the first. She was dads side. i was so close to her and she ruined her life. With drink, My father, he left, Ruined his life with drink. Everything i remember from my childhood. I often tried to forget about the horrid man he was when he was pissed. I tried to remember the man that made me laugh, the took me to the park, that was there for me when my first boyfriend cheated on me. 

"Hey, babe. The taxi is here. " Alex murmured i could see he was trying to take me my thoughts. I nodded my head. 

I'm 16 years old.I've gone through too much.


*At the hospital.*

I ran into the reception area. 

"MY MUM" I screamed. 

"Calm down please Miss. What is the name." She spoke calmly. HOW COULD SHE BE CALM. I counted in my head before hitting the ditsy woman in the face. She sat there all smug with her self. She was stick thin. I could see that even though she was sat down. She hard bleach blond hair. What else about her. Oh she was eyeing Alex up. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. 

I cleared my throat, 

"Coral Dickson" I snapped "My mother" 

She looked at the computer screen. Hm they taught technology to slugs these days? Cause that's sure what her eye brows looked like. 

"She is in ICU. Follow the signs and ask there" She pointed down the hall. I grabbed Alex's hand and ran. 

When we got to ICU they showed me to my mother. My heart sank. She was hooked up to all sorts of machines. One was leading in to her hand. One in her nose. One looked like it was pumping something into her body. After seeing all the wires and tubes i looked at her body. She has a badly bruised face with deep cuts and a bandage around her head. I looked over the rest of her body the arm that didn't consist of wires and tubes running in to her. Was covered in a pot. He right leg was covered in pot too. I could feel a warm thumb run along my cheek.I was crying again.

"Well i hope you understand all this Miss" I broke from my thoughts and looked puzzles doctor. 

"Huh? What?" I mumbled still looking at my mother. 

"I said, Miss" He sounded rather mad that i didn't listen first. "Your mother is critical but stables. Everything around her is keeping her alive. They are pumping blood and oxygen around her body keeping her lungs and heart moving. However, its strange to say but your mother is suffering from a broken heart. Have your mother experienced any type or loss?" 

"Erm, well my Grandma, her mum, died when she was young due to cancer. And my Dad he was... Er, a Alcoholic. He died 2 years ago" I croaked i could feel more tears.

"Well, it seemed she was suffering from that we have it on the records that she was diagnosed around 1 year ago. We was monitoring it from months it got better as the went by. However, now her heart is extremely weak. I'm afraid to tell you Miss that these next few days,hours could be the last."

I lost thought again. I ignored everything he said after that. I couldn't piece everything together. Why didn't she tell me about this broken heart thing? Was she trying to shield me from something? I couldn't help but look at her and feel lost.My mother was my everything. My best friend. My rock. She was the one who helped me out with everything. She got me through the bullying and through the death of my dad. She did all of this with a broken heart? Then i didn't get how it was getting better? Was it Paul? Was he making it better? She seemed so happy with him. I'm no doctor but i was going to find out everything. 

When i came out of my thoughts i see Alex shaking hands with the doctor as he leaves. He turned around and gave me a sympathetic smile. I tried to smile back i really could.

"The doctor said he could see you was thinking. When you zoned out and told me that your mum is in acoma and can hear and feel your touch, She just cant... Well respond. " I nodded and sat down by her. I pulled her hand into mine and squeezed it really tight. I rested my head on her that lays there with tubes coming out and breathes hard and heavy i could feel my tears become more frequent,

"Well.Hi mum. I know you cant respond much. or at all" I could a rock feel a rock getting stuck in my throat. I had to carry on. "Mum, i know i we've been though so much. We kicked and screamed our way through. Well me doing most of that than you" I couldn't help but giggle at that comment."I know times have been hard. I know. You have always been my carer. My mum. My dad. And my rock all in one. None could get a better mum than you. I was lucky to have to been brought into this world with such a amazing mother." I could feel my chest getting tighter. The lump in my throat was getting harder. Bigger. "Mum, you've been everything for me. NOW let me be everything for. Please mum. Wake up mum. For me." The tears came flooding out " PLEASE MUM PLEASE" I sat there. Head in hands. Crying. Uncontrollably. I felt arms around me. Hugging me tightly. 

"Its going to be ok" He muttered stroking my hair and he spoke. I realized then. I had to start to plan.



Honestly i cried writing this. Dont know where it came from. But it did. 

I hope your liking this story i really do. 






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