Chapter 2

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{Picture of Brian to the side}

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Bad Vs Bad

Chapter 2-

Kendra's POV~

"How are you feeling, Miss Sweets?" the nurse said coming into the room. She checked to see how I was doing then said she would be back and left out the door.

Today was the day that I would be released and got to go home for the day. Then tomorrow I would head off to Colorado.

"Yo Sweets!" Ryan came in with Brian towing behind. Ryan patted my head while Brian smiled and sat down in one of the chairs.

"Hey guys." I said smiling back. "So how did my parents react when you went to pack my things?"

"Oh." Ryan smirked. "Lets just say they were not very happy." I tried to laughed along with them but I could barely move, then I began thinking of all the stupid things they probably did.

These two were my best friends, I met them in third grade when they moved to California. They are actually cousins and their parents decided to move here together. I'm kinda upset that I won't be able to see them until summer but even then, they'll probably go off to college and we'll be going our separate ways.

We spent the rest of the hour talking mostly about our stupid moments that we've had. I was really going to miss them because they were more like my actual family than my parents. They are the only ones I truly cared about, and the twins.

The time came when they had to leave and I was left alone. The nurse came in again a while later and told me my parents would be here soon to come pick me up.

I changed into my clothes slowly since my ribs were still hurting even with the slighted movement. Then I went back into the main room to find my mother sitting on the chair near the door looking extremely bored.

"Good. You're ready so let's go." she talked rather quickly and walked out. I sighed and followed her out of the hospital. I'm glad I didn't have to stay here anymore but also not very glad that I would be leaving to Colorado.

I tried getting into the car. "You know if you go any slower-" she started but I glared at her which made her stop.

"I'm trying. can't you see I'm in pain." I replied pointing at my ribs.

After I was buckled up, we drove back home. We arrived in about fifteen minutes and I quickly tried to get out and avoid talking to both my parents. I went inside the house and locked myself in my empty room. What was left was mostly just furniture. My clothes and other belongings were already sent to Colorado.

I stayed in my room until dinner was ready. Then I slowly made my way downstairs. I past my mother in the kitchen and went into the dining room.

A huge grin appeared on my face as I saw who was sitting at the table. I walked over to them and they smiled back. They let me sit between them and I put one arm around their shoulders.

"Hey Jack and Alice!" I grinned at the eight year old twins and hugged them as tight as I could without hurting myself.

"Guess what Kenny?!" Alice yelled excitedly. I didn't really like it when they called me Kenny but I let them only because I liked them too much.

"What?" I asked.

"Daddy took us to go get ice cream!" she said. Her blonde ponytail, which was complete opposite hair color of mine, swung back and forth as she jumped on the chair.

"Oh how fun." I said faking a smile. My parents never took me anywhere when I was the only child. That's why whenever Jack and Alice mentioned a place like Six Flags or DisneyLand I would usually get upset and I still do sometimes. I guess I'm just a bit jealous that my parents love the twins more that me.

Mom came in with the food a few minutes later and I grabbed a plate and served myself. She was definitely a good cook, but I would never tell her that. I ate silently while Alice went off about how much she missed her friends and couldn't wait to go back to school in a few days.

Once I finished, I said goodnight to Jack and Alice. Then went upstairs ignoring my parents.


I woke up the next morning and took a shower then I prepared my carry on bag after I had changed into some high waisted shorts and my leather jacket to go with my combat boots. Brian offered me a ride to the airport since he knew I didn't want my parents to take me. Though they didn't even say goodbye, which kind of hurt a bit. But I was used to it so I shouldn't really care.

Ryan had called me earlier and to say goodbye and apologize for not being able to come along with Brian and I to the airport. I did though say goodbye to the twins. Jack cried on my shoulder as I hugged him and then Alice who didn't want to let go but kissed me goodbye anyways.

I heard a car horn from outside. It was probably Brian so I grabbed my bag and I left outside locking the door behind me. I walked slowly down the path and saw Brian leaning against his car waiting for me.

I smiled at him as I walked closer. He was wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt that made his muscles look bigger. I'd have to admit, he was very good looking.

He smiled at me weakly and opened the passenger door for me then he walked over to the drivers side quickly and got in. Brian was unusually quiet throughout the whole ride to the airport. It was weird because he has never been the quiet one and he always had something to say. But today was different, he wasn't his usual cocky, arrogant self and that kinda worried me.

Soon enough we were walking side by side through the airport heading towards the gate entrance. I sat down on one of the nearby seats and waited. Brian sighed and sat down next to me.

"Alright?" I ask curiously.

He simply nodded back and looked around the airport. He was nervous, I realized. Of what? I'm not sure. But whenever he was nervousness he had this distant look on his face and every now and then he'd rub his hand over his knees.

My flight was called over the intercom and people began to line up. I tried to stand up as quickly as i could without hurting myself and swung my bag over my shoulder. I turned around to say one last goodbye to Brian, he was already up on his feet and staring at me.

"I guess this is goodbye." he said tucking his hands into his jean pockets.

"For now." I replied slowly.

He scoffed but smirked slightly. "You and I both know that you don't want to come back."

I shrugged. "Ill come and visit." I looked back to see the line of people decreasing. I turned back to look at him. "Just for you guys." I added, referring to him and Ryan. Plus the twins.

He nodded and pulled me closer to him. I hugged him carefully, still in pain from the crash. "Ill miss you." he whispered into my ear. I squeeze his shoulder with my hand letting him know that I was going to miss him too.

Suddenly, he pulled back and tilted my chin upward with his hand. His dark eyes flickered down to my lips and before I had a chance to do or say anything his own lips were gently place on mine.

At first I was shocked that one of my best friends was kissing me. But then I thought, fuck it, and I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. He let out a soft moan and a warm feeling erupted in my stomach.

I pulled back, breathing hard, and rested my forehead against his. "I have to go." I told him. He held onto my waist and nodded. Then slowly he let me go and I made my way over handing the lady by the door my ticket.

"Have a nice flight." she smiled. I nodded and went through without looking back.


{Picture of Brian to the side}

Authors note:

Well guys that was chapter 2! I hope you liked it and please remember that I might delete this book. I'm thinking maybe at around chapter 5.

I'm sorry it's just that if this book doesn't get enough feedback I don't want to be stressing out about updating it often.

So please if you want me to make an effort VOTE AND COMMENT! don't be scared lol:)

PS. Any mistakes will be fixed later on.

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