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  I stared at the picture, a small smile on my face. A boy and girl were racing each other on their toy broomsticks, both aiming to capture the snitch that was lazily fluttering around in the air. The boy had platinum blonde hair, and a handsome face that used to smile for everything the girl said. The girl had dark brown hair which fell to her shoulders in a wavy fashion, and an innocent face that used to hang onto every single word the boy said. They had promised each other that they would be best friends...forever.

        Too bad the boy changed. The picture perfect scene started to shatter in front of my very eyes. As he got older, the boy's smiles became smirks. His beautiful gray eyes turned cold and piercing. And his personality? It started to slowly turn bad, rotting from the inside of him.

        The girl stayed with him no matter how much he changed, taking each blow that he inflicted on her, doing everything that she could to preserve their friendship. Why? Because she realized that she was starting to fall for him--not the person that he had become, but the person he was back then.

        But how long can a heart endure until the pressure becomes too much?

       "Watch where you're going, mudblood," the boy sneered, pushing the girl hard so she stumbled and fell. A smug smile appeared on his face when she didn't say anything. She never ever did say anything. She only stared at him with her dark brown eyes, chewing slightly on the inside of her cheek.

        "Stop staring at me," the boy snapped. "What, are you in love with me or something?"

        "Pathetic," one of the boy's friends snickered. "Poor little Gryffindor, in love with you."

        They watched as the girl's lips trembled slightly, and tears started to spark in her eyes.

        How much hurt can the heart endure until the pain becomes intoxicating, or just simply too much?

        Their cackles arose in the air, while the girl continued to look towards them, a new emotion started to possess her.

        "I did love you." She said this as a whisper, yet it was loud enough for the two boys to hear. The boy's friend started to laugh again.

        "You hear that? The poor little girl loves you!" he chortled, fixing his gaze on the girl. "You have no chance, mudblood. Go back to your muggle world and play dollies. We don't want you here."

        The girl ignored him, her eyes remaining fixed on the boy. "I did love you," she repeated. "I really, truly did."

        "Yeah? Well, I'd never go for you! You're disgusting!" the boy yelled.

        The girl laughed softly, but there were tears in her eyes. "And to think that I put up with you for this long. Did you remember how it used to be, or have you forgotten? I tried everything I could to keep them from getting you, but you're truly gone now. I loved you, I truly did, but now...I give up." She turned to walk away from the two boys.

        "Yeah, that's right! Go run away!" the boy's friend yelled.

        "Shut up, Goyle!" the boy hissed. He took a few steps forward, trying to stop the girl from leaving. "Wait! Alia, please don't go!"

        The girl thought that she must have been imagining things when she heard a note of hurt in his voice. She turned around, masking her emotions so he wouldn't be able to see that this was killing her as well. "I don't really see any reason to stay. You've hurt me enough times, and you've changed. We're not best friends anymore, and we probably will never ever be again." She gulped, swallowing past the lump in her throat.

        Being in love with your best friend is tough, but being in love with your best friend who didn't care about you at all is even tougher.

        "Goodbye Draco. Take care of yourself."

        I tore myself away from the memories, staring at the picture instead. I noticed how the boy had gotten the snitch and was laughing at the girl's crestfallen face. I kept my gaze transfixed on the picture, knowing what would come next. This was my favorite part, the part that always made me smile.

        The boy started to notice how sad the girl had become and his smile slipped off of his face. He walked towards her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, handing her the snitch. They both began to smile again, and the boy blushed slightly as the girl tackled him into a hug.

        But that was gone now. It was the past, and it was never going to come back.

        I started to tear the picture, my eyes filling up with tears as the fresh pain of heartbreak started to appear again in my chest. The boy wasn't just any other boy, and the girl wasn't just any other girl.

        He was Draco Lucius Malfoy and she was Alia Emily Morgan, friends who had forgotten each other long friends who were supposed to be there for each other...forever. 

        Well life certainly had a funny way of sneaking up on you when you thought that everything was okay...and for me, nothing was ever okay after that. 

The Way I Loved You: A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now